Domain Sites

Domains are composed of related sites, grouped together for convenience and because they share a similar structure. You can easily examine the Sites that comprise a Domain.

This window displays a list panel where domains are composed of related sites, grouped together.

Find the Sites heading and click the disclosure icon, opening the navigation tree to External and Custom sites. Click the disclosure icon next to External to view the various Sites. Each site is clickable so you can examine its top-level properties.

This window displays a navigation tree on the left hand side of the panel where External and Custom sites are listed.

Click the disclosure icon next to the site icon to examine subsets of the data. You can continue to drill down until you reach a leaf node, allowing you to examine specific subsets of each site. When you reach the subset you want, the content is displayed in the List Panel.

This window displays the site icon and subsets of the data. The content of the subsets is displayed in the List Panel.