Creating Roles

You can create roles to define a set of permissions that can be shared by various operators. Roles allow you to create a generic category of permissions. You can then associate individual operators, computers, groups and sites to the role.

To create a role, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Tools > Create Role or right click in the Roles work area and select Create Role. The Create Role dialog appears and prompts you for a name.
  2. Enter a descriptive name for your role. The role panel appears.
    This window displays the create role dialog where have to enter details.
  3. Enter a short description of the role and then set the permission levels associated, the restart and shutdown ability associated to this role and the permissions to access the BigFix Console and REST API.
  4. Set the computer assignments, operators, LDAP groups and sites by clicking the various tabs.
  5. Make sure to click Save Changes when you're done.