Upgrade Paths to V9.2

The following tables describe the upgrade paths to IBM BigFix V9.2:

  • Server upgrade
    Table 1. Server Upgrade

    Upgrade from Windows Upgrade
    7.x No
    8.x Yes, 64-bit architecture Windows systems only.
    9.0 Yes, 64-bit architecture Windows systems only.
    9.1 Yes, 64-bit architecture Windows systems only.
    Note: If you are upgrading from a version previous to V9.0 and plan to enable the enhanced security feature, before enabling it run the following command for all the FileOnlyCustomSite created before the upgrade:
    PropagateFiles.exe CreateFileOnlyCustomSiteUserAuthorization <masthead license pvk> 
    <masthead license pvk password> bes_bfenterprise bigfix <bigfix user password> 
  • Client upgrade
    Table 2. Client Upgrade

    Upgrade from Windows Upgrade UNIX Upgrade Mac Upgrade
    7.x Yes Yes Yes
    8.x Yes Yes Yes
    9.0 Yes Yes Yes
    9.1 Yes Yes Yes