UNIX Clients

To assign a relay to your UNIX client at installation time, perform the following steps:
  1. Create the besclient.config file under /var/opt/BESClient/ with the following lines:
    EnterpriseClientFolder = /opt/BESClient
    StoragePath = /var/opt/BESClient
    LibPath = /opt/BESClient/BESLib
    effective date = [Enter current date and time in standard format]
    value = http://relay.domain.com:52311/bfmirror/downloads/
    effective date = [Enter current date time in standard format]
    value = http://relay2.domain.com:52311/bfmirror/downloads/
    effective date = [Enter current date time in standard format]
    value = 0
  2. Ensure that the directory and file are owned by root and are not writable by anyone else. In this way, when you run the UNIX client installer to install the client, the installer does not re-create or overwrite /var/opt/BESClient/besclient.config with the following settings:
    EnterpriseClientFolder = /opt/BESClient
    StoragePath = /var/opt/BESClient
    LibPath = /opt/BESClient/BESLib
  3. In effective date = [Enter current date and time in standard format] set the date and time. An example of the standard format of the date and time is the following:
    Wed, 06 Jun 2012 11:00:00 -0700 
    You cannot specify effective date = {now} because the {} brackets imply the use of inline relevance, and now is a keyword.
  4. In value = http://relay.domain.com:52311/bfmirror/downloads/ modify relay.domain.com to be your desired relay.
Tip: You can obtain and verify the current content of the besclient.config by assigning a relay manually for a particular Linux client, and then copying the particular lines from its besclient.config file to use on other systems.
Note: For more information about troubleshooting clients that have problems in choosing a BigFix relay, see http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21506065.