Evaluation installation

If you choose evaluation installation, you install a trial BigFix Server for a period of 30 days, you get access to all the product features with no restrictions or limitations, and you do not need to buy any license files from IBM. In the event you need a wider evaluation time, contact the sales support to arrange a limited production license.

During this type of installation, a request is automatically submitted for an Evaluation License and the installation completes using it. Ensure that the system where you are running the installation has internet connection, either direct or through a proxy.

This installation uses predefined values for all the configuration parameters. The only parameters that you can configure are:
  • Server Identification Port Number. The default value: is 52311
  • Web Reports Server Port. The default value is 80.
After an Evaluation installation, a user named EvaluationUser is created to log on both the BigFix console and BigFix Web Reports.
Note: The evaluation installation does not support the enhanced security option. For more information about this feature, see Security Configuration Scenarios.
Note: If you removed Microsoft SQL Server 2005 from the system when you plan to install BigFix, ensure that all the Microsoft SQL components are correctly deleted before running the installation.