Relay diagnostics

To monitor your BigFix relay setups and status and to complete actions on your clients.

You can use the relay diagnostics functions to get information about your relay settings and to complete actions on your clients. To access the relay diagnostics, open a browser and type in the address field: http://<relay_name>:52311/rd, where <relay_name> is the address of your relay workstation. The diagnostics page is divided in the following sections:
Server diagnostics
In this section, you can gather information about your environment settings by clicking on each of the following entries:
  • Relay Control
  • HTTPServer
  • Gather
  • Post Results
  • Client Register
  • Upload Manager
Console user information
In this section, you can check whether an user is authorized to access IBM BigFix.

Click Check User Authorization and type the user's credentials to verify whether that user is granted access to the IBM BigFix console and avoiding to actually log in with those credentials.

Site gathering information
In this section, you can collect information related to your environment sites.
  • Click Gather Status Page to get information about site gathering status.
  • Click Gather All Sites button to gather the latest version of site contents.
  • In Fixlet Site Requests, you can select different request types related to a site by selecting a site in the list provided, the type of request and clicking the Submit button. The available request types are:
    • Trigger This Server GatherDB
    • Check Trigger Status
    • Site Contents
    • Get Current Version
    • Get Parents Version
    • Check Site Status
Client register
In this section, you can perform requests either for a single computer or for all the computers in your environment.
  • Click Get Computer ID button to know the computer ID of your relay.
  • In Single Computer Requests, you can select different request types related to a single computer by selecting one of the requests in the list provided and clicking the Submit button. Depending on the request type, you must also fill one or more text fields. The needed fields are enabled. The available request types are:
    • Gather Actionsite
    • Force Refresh
    • Force Registration
    • IsDescendant?
    • Fetch Client Commands
    • Downloads Available
    • Resend Report
  • In All Computer Requests, you can select different request types related to all the computers in your environment by selecting one of the requests in the list provided and clicking the Submit button. Depending on the request type, you might also fill the text field ActionID, if enabled. The available request types are:
    • Gather Actionsite
    • Force Refresh
    • Force Registration
    • Downloads Available
Download information
In this section, you can
  • Click Download Status Page to get information about downloads active on your relay.
  • Click Download Status Text Page to get information, in xml language, about downloads active on your relay.
  • In Download Requests, you can collect information about a specific action for a specific site by providing the action ID and the site url in the related fields. Click Gather Download Request button to run your request.