Server Recovery

  1. Using either the previous BigFix Server computer or a new computer, install SQL server (use the same version of SQL server as was previously used). Remember to enable Mixed Mode Authentication for your new SQL installation if you were using it on the primary BigFix server.
  2. Ensure that the new BigFix server computer can be reached on the network using the same URL that is in the masthead file. (For example: OR
    Note: To avoid issues when the BigFix clients connect to the BigFix server before it is fully restored, ensure that the BigFix server is not available on the network until the recovery is complete.
  3. Restore the BFEnterprise and BESReporting databases from backup.
  4. Restore the backed up files and folders creating the directory structure.
  5. Encrypt the UnencryptedServerSigningKey using the ServerKeyTool and copy the new encrypted file (EncryptedServerSigningKey) to [IEM Server folder]\ folder.
  6. Install the BigFix server components using the masthead file and specifying the same path used in the original installation option.
  7. In a command window, change to the BigFix server directory and run BESAdmin.exe /rotateServerSigningKey.
Note: : If you have HTTPS enabled, ensure that you restore the server settings for Web Reports.