
Not to be confused with an action script, the script keyword executes an external script (created for a scripting language like JavaScript or Visual Basic) with the given name. The action script containing the script keyword will terminate if the appropriate scripting engine is not installed or if the script cannot be executed. The next line of the action Shell Command is not executed until the specified script terminates.


script <script name>


script attrib.vbs 

Runs the Visual BASIC script attrib.vbs.


This command is Windows-only. It will cause an action script to terminate on a Unix agent.

On a Windows computer, this command has the same effect as issuing a wscript "scriptName" statement from Windows, and then waiting for completion. This is also the same as using scriptName from the Windows RUN dialog. If you need to pass parameters to your script, use the run command instead.

Version 5.1 and above -- Windows Only