Starting a peer-to-peer session by using the controller

You can start a peer-to-peer session from any computers that you deploy the controller component on.

About this task

To start a peer-to-peer session by using the controller component, complete the following steps:


  1. Start the controller
    Windows® systems
    1. Click Start > All Programs
    2. Click IBM® BigFix® Remote Control > Controller
    Linux® systems
    To start the controller, locate the IBM BigFix Remote Control controller application from the operating system application interface or run the following command:
    java jar /opt/ibm/trc/controller/TRCConsole.jar
  2. Follow from step 3 in Starting a peer-to-peer session from the IBM BigFix console to start the session.


When the session is accepted and started, the policies values that are set locally on the target determine what actions can be carried out during the session. For more information about peer-to-peer sessions and the functions available in the controller UI, see the IBM BigFix Remote Control Controller User's Guide.