Deploy the IBM BigFix Remote Control components

The Deployment node in the IBM® BigFix® Remote Control navigation tree provides two subnodes that are operating system specific. Within the subnodes, you can deploy the components that you need to establish a remote control session. You can also deploy utilities that you can use to connect to targets by using the command line. Select the node that is relevant to your operating system.
Note: The IBM BigFix Remote Control components can also be deployed by using the installation files. For more information, see the IBM BigFix Remote Control Installation Guide.
The controller component must be deployed on the computers that initiate the remote control session when you do not have access to an IBM BigFix Remote Control server.
The target component must be deployed on the computers that are controlled during a remote control session. IBM BigFix Remote Control offers two ways of deploying the target component. You can install the target for peer-to-peer sessions or for managed sessions. Both of these session types are explained in Definition of terms that are used in IBM BigFix Remote Control and in more detail in the IBM BigFix Remote Control Controller User's Guide.
Note: The "Using the IBM BigFix Remote Control server" method requires an IBM BigFix Remote Control server to be installed in your environment.
CLI tools
The command line tools contain two utilities that you can run from the command line. Use the utilities to start a remote control session with a target or run commands on a target system without target user interaction. The tools can be useful if you want to connect to a target without accessing the IBM BigFix Remote Control Server interface. You can also use them in scripts to run multiple commands in an automated fashion.
Note: To deploy the CLI tools, you must have the URL of an IBM BigFix Remote Control server that you have access to.
If you have targets, controllers, and servers on different networks that cannot directly contact each other you can install and configure gateway support. Use the gateway support, to configure your network to allow the connections to be established.
Deploy the broker component when you have targets that are outside of the enterprise network, on the internet. The broker component is used to make the connection between the controller and target in a remote control session through the internet.