On-demand target installation methods

The on-demand target installation method is determined by the browser that is used by the target user and the configuration of the target computer.

When the target user enters the connection code on the landing page and clicks I agree, the on-demand target installation process begins automatically. The installation method that is used is first determined by the browser that the target user is using.

If Internet Explorer is being used and ActiveX is enabled, the ActiveX control installation method is used to install the target. If the browser is not enabled for using ActiveX, the target is installed by using the Java™ Web Start installation method.

If the target user is using Firefox, the Firefox plug-in installation method is used to install the target.

Finally, the on-demand target can also be installed by using a Java Applet.

In all cases, a launching page is displayed with specific instructions.

Note: If JavaScript™ is not enabled on the target computer, a launching page is displayed after the user clicks I agree. The target user must enable JavaScript on their computer and click Start on the launching page.