Errors when you are using the Java applet method of installation

When the on-demand target is installed by using the Java™ applet method, the following errors might be reported. The errors are displayed in the status window and are written also to the log file. The status window is displayed until the target user closes it. For more information about the Java applet installation, see Downloading the on-demand target by using the Java Applet.
Bad URL:{0}
When a malformed URL is entered by the target user. For example, Bad URL: htp://
Bad server response for {0}: Response code {1}
When an invalid URL is provided. For example, Bad server response for code: 404.
Unable to determine host architecture
The Java Applet is unable to determine whether the architecture of the target computer is 32-bit or 64-bit.
Error running {0} -c={1} -l={2}
When the Java Applet fails to start the on-demand launcher. For example, Error running /tmp/trc_odt-abc-123.exe -c=http://configurl -l=C:\Users\tgtuser\trc_odt_trace_20130510_131023.log
IO Error downloading from {0}
When a read or write error occurs while the ODL, or the configuration package is downloaded from the server. For example, IO Error downloading from http://configurl.
Unable to open the log file for writing
When the Java Applet is unable to create its debug log file.
Note: The Java Applet is built with Java version 1.5. Therefore, the target user must have a browser Java plug-in of version 1.5 or later for the Java applet to run correctly.