Playing a local recording

Use the Session Player to play a local recording of a remote control session in IBM® BigFix® Remote Control.

About this task

To play back a local recording complete the following steps:


  1. Download the Session Player.
    For more information about downloading the player, see Download session player.
  2. Start the Session player by using one of the following options.
    • Double-click TRCPlayer.jar.
    • Click Start > Run and browse to the TRCPlayer.jar file.
  3. In the Open file window, browse to the directory that the saved recording is stored in.
  4. Select the recording and click Open.


The recording starts to play.
The following buttons and functions are available in the Session Player. You can also use the slider to fast forward or rewind the recording to a specific time. For example, to fast forward the recording to a point 5 minutes into a 40-minute recording, move the slider to the right until the time is displayed as 05:00/40:00.
To play the selected recording. When the Play button is clicked it, changes to the Pause button.
To pause the recording while it is playing. When the Pause button is clicked, it changes to the Play button.
To stop the recording and clear the play back window.
Open file
To open a recording file for playing.
  • Browse to the required recording file.
  • Select the required file and click Open for the recording to start playing.
Enable Auto Scrolling View
To bring the non-visible parts of the recording into view. As the recording is playing, if the mouse pointer reaches the edge of the player window, the viewing area scrolls in the relevant direction. The function works in both the Vertical and Horizontal directions.
Enable Scaled View
To scale down the display of the recording to fit fully inside the playback window.
Note: The top-level folder of the path where recordings are stored in the target by default, is a hidden folder. The hidden folder location applies for Windows™ Vista operating system and later. If a target user downloads the recording viewer and tries to open a stored recording, they must either change the windows folder settings to show hidden folders. They can also type c:\ProgramData in the File open window in the viewer and go to the folder where the recording is stored.