Authentication audit events

The following audit events are triggered for peer to peer remote control sessions that require user ID and password authentication against the target system.

That is, those sessions where the target property CheckUserLogin is enabled. The session rejected audit event was improved to allow authentication to be audited in sufficient detail. To improve auditing, the following audit event was deprecated and replaced with new audit events.

Table 1. Deprecated audit event
Event ID Event Description
ibm.trc.audit.0002 Session Rejected by{\0}
Table 2. New audit events
Event ID Event Description
ibm.trc.audit.005A Authenticating user ID {0} using system logon. Allowed groups: {1}
ibm.trc.audit.005B Session rejected because the user ID or password is incorrect
ibm.trc.audit.005C Session rejected because the user is not a member of an allowed group.
ibm.trc.audit.005D Session rejected by {0}
ibm.trc.audit.005E Session rejected automatically after {0} seconds
ibm.trc.audit.005F Session rejected because the session token is invalid
ibm.trc.audit.0060 Session rejected because the session token has expired
ibm.trc.audit.0061 Session rejected because the session token is for a different target
ibm.trc.audit.0062 Session rejected by the server for unknown reason {0}
ibm.trc.audit.0063 Session rejected because {0} mode is not allowed
ibm.trc.audit.0064 Session rejected due to a connection error

The following audit message is written to the audit log by the controller. This message shows which user is logged in to the target computer and which user ID they used to log in IBM® BigFix® Remote Control to control this session.

Table 3. New controller audit event
Event ID Event Description
Audit.logged.user User {0} is logged in as {1} in the controller machine