Viewing the Site Statistics Analysis


  1. From the console menu, click Endpoint Protection on the bottom left pane.
  2. From the upper left navigation pane, go to Core Protection Module > Analyses > Web Reputation. The List Panel changes to show all available analyses.
    • Web Reputation - Client Information

    • Web Reputation - Site Statistics

  3. Click the Web Reputation - Site Statistics analyses link. The Web Reputation - Site Statistics window appears. The window displays information on the two Web Reputation properties you can view with the analysis:
    • Blocked websites

    • Visited websites

  4. You can view the analysis property results in a list or in summary form. To select a perspective, choose the desired format from the drop-down box in the upper-right corner of the analysis in the Results tab.
  5. To deactivate the analysis, return to the "click here" link in the Action window.