Edit Smart Group

Read this section to learn how to edit and modify a smart group that you have already created.

About this task

When an existing smart group is modified:
  • Any policy or policy group that has been assigned to devices, that was relevant before, is removed.
  • The policy or policy group assignment is retained for the modified smart group.
  • Policies or policy groups are reapplied to all relevant devices with correct policies applied.

To edit a smart group, do the following:


  1. From the MCM Admin page expand Smart Groups and click Manage Smart Groups.
  2. Click the edit button next to the smart group that you want to modify.
    edit smart group
  3. In the next screen, make changes in the description, group rule, attribute rule as needed. The client relevance is dynamically updated as you make changes.
    Note: You cannot change the smart group name once created.
  4. Click Save.


The Smart Group definition is changed, and all the devices re-evaluate themselves against the latest Smart Group criteria.


  • If you change the definition of the Smart Group by adding an attribute criterion to limit the policy to only those who do not have an AWSAdmin attribute and deploy a passcode policy to USENGINEERS, the policy will be deployed only to those devices which belong to US Engineering users without AWSAdmin attribute. Rest of the devices do not get this passcode policy.
  • With the above attribute criteria, a subset of US Engineers who have the AWSAdmin attribute are no longer eligible for some of the policies deployed before making the change. Also, some policies that are not applicable for AWSAdmin group will still remain in place, unless that policy is removed from the appropriate devices.