Adding an Android App

Learn how to add Android Google Play Store apps and private apps to the App catalog.

App Store


To add Google Play Store apps:
  1. From the App Catalog page, click the Add menu and select Android.
  2. On the Add Android App page, select App Store.
  3. Add a Google Play Store App or a private app:
    • To add a Google Play Store App;
      1. From the list of Google Play Store Apps, click on a desired app. You can also search for an app from the list to select.
      2. From the selected app page, click Select.
    • To add a private app from your organization:
      1. Click the lock icon to upload a private app.
        Private apps
      2. In the next window, at the bottom-right corner, click Add private app.
      3. Enter the title of the private app. Upload the APK file, and click Create. The uploaded app is added to the list of private apps.
        Note: Ensure the title of the private app is unique, because you cannot publish the same app again.
      4. Click on the lock icon, select a private app from the list, and click on Select to add the private app to the App Catalog.

Adding an app with a Bundle ID

About this task

If you already know the bundle ID of the App, you can add the app to the App Catalog by using the Bundle ID.


  1. From the Add Android App window, select With Bundle ID.
  2. In the Bundle ID text box, enter the bundle ID.
  3. Click Add.


The App Catalog includes the app and a success message is displayed.
Note: If the selected app is already added to the app catalog, a warning message is displayed.