
Web Reports can run on a stand-alone server or on the same machine that hosts the BigFix database.

Only the 64-bit architecture is supported for installing the BigFix Web Reports component on Windows systems.
Note: Ensure that the Web Reports component, like the BigFix console, has the same version of the BigFix servers to which it connects.

The requirements for the Web Reports server vary depending on the number of databases, computers, actions, and retrieved properties that you want to track.

The Web Reports primary resource requirements revolve around memory size for fast access and CPU speed for fast report processing. The disk stores a local cache to make load times faster, but the disk speeds have less impact on the Web Reports than memory size and CPU speeds.

Note: The Web Reports server is not supported on Server Core for Windows Server 2008 R2.

BigFix deployments with more than 30,000 agents can benefit by having a separate Web Reports server so that the main BigFix server does not need to share its resources. You can set up multiple Web Reports servers with minimal performance impact on the main server.

Web Reports server requirements:

Number of Agents CPU Memory
< 10,000 2ghz 1 GB
10,001-30,000 2ghz (dual core) 2 GB
30,000-100,000 2ghz (dual core) 3 GB
100,000-200,000 2ghz (quad core) 4 GB