Restricting access to the report files

In the Web Report component, you can use a new option named "ReportFilesCheck" to toggle protection on the report files.

If this option is set to "1", you can access the content under "ReportFiles" only if you are logged in and you have access to the report that "owns" the file. No login page is displayed in case of failure, since this content is accessible only if a session already exists, for example if session cookies are already set.

A fresh installation of BigFix Version 11 sets the "ReportFilesCheck" option to "1" by default.

You can enable it by performing the following steps:

On Windows systems:

  1. Stop the BES Web Report Server service.
  2. Run Regedit.
  3. Add the option
    ReportFilesCheck = 1
    in the Windows registry under:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\BigFix\Enterprise Server\BESReports
  4. Restart the BES Web Report Server service.

On Linux systems:

  1. Stop the service by running the command service beswebreports stop.
  2. Open the /var/opt/BESWebReportsServer/beswebreports.config file.
  3. Add the ReportFilesCheck option in the [Software\BigFix\Enterprise Server\BESReports] section as follows:
    ReportFilesCheck = 1
  4. Restart the service by running the command service beswebreports start.