Removing the BigFix components from Linux

You can have one or more BigFix components installed on a local system and you can decide to remove one or all of them at the same time.

About this task

To uninstall one or more BigFix components installed on a local Linux system, run the following steps:


  1. Look for the installed BigFix RPM packages by entering the following command:
    rpm -qa | grep BES
  2. Remove the Server, the WebUI, the Client, and Web Reports RPM files:
    rpm -e BESWebUI
    rpm -e BESWebReportsServer
    rpm -e BESRootServer
    rpm -e BESRelay
    rpm -e BESClientDeployTool
    rpm -e BESAgent
    Note: You cannot remove BESAgent until you remove all components depending on it (BESRootServer, WebUI, and so on).
  3. Remove the following files and folders:
    Warning: If you do not plan to remove all BigFix components, keep the folder "/var/opt/BESCommon".
    Where: BES* is a prefix followed by the name of a BigFix component, for example "BESClient".
  4. If you have DB2 as deployed database, perform this step. Otherwise, skip to step 5.

    Remove the BFENT and BESREPOR local databases:

    su - db2inst1 
    db2 drop db BFENT
    db2 drop db BESREPOR
    or the BFENT and BESREPOR remote databases:
    su - db2inst1 
    db2 attach to TEM_REM user <UserName> using <Password>
    db2 drop db BFENT
    db2 drop db BESREPOR
    db2 detach
    db2 uncatalog node TEM_REM
  5. If you have MS SQL as deployed database, perform this step.

    Remove the BFEnterprise and BESReporting databases either using Windows Management Studio or the mssql-tools on Linux.

    To remove both MS SQL and the database:
    sudo yum remove mssql-server
    Note: This step only applies if you are using a local or a remote DB MS SQL installed on the system. In case of DB provided as a service on Cloud, you should follow the specific Cloud provider guidelines, to remove the DB.