Uninstalling the BigFix Client on Linux

To uninstall the BigFix client installed on a Linux operating system, follow the appropriate steps.

About this task

To manually uninstall the client on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES):

  1. Stop the BigFix client process
    systemctl stop besclient
    Up to BigFix Version 11.0.1, for backward compatibility reasons, you can also run the command:
    /etc/init.d/besclient stop
  2. Run the following RPM command to find the installed package name
    rpm -qa | grep -i BESAgent
  3. Uninstall the installed RPM package returned in step 2
    rpm -e BESAgent-XXX
  4. Manually remove the following directories
    rm -rf /etc/opt/BESClient 
    rm -rf /opt/BESClient 
    rm -rf /tmp/BES 
    rm -rf /var/opt/BESClient 
    rm -rf /var/opt/BESCommon 

To manually uninstall the client on Ubuntu Linux, Debian Linux and Raspbian:

  1. Stop the BigFix client process
    /etc/init.d/besclient stop
  2. Run the following command to find the installed package name
    dpkg -l | grep -i BESAgent
  3. Uninstall the installed package returned in step 2
    dpkg --purge BESAgent-XXX
  4. Manually remove the following directories
    rm -rf /etc/opt/BESClient 
    rm -rf /opt/BESClient 
    rm -rf /tmp/BES 
    rm -rf /var/opt/BESClient 
    rm -rf /var/opt/BESCommon