Installing Web Reports Standalone with MS SQL

If you run a fresh installation of Web Reports, the HTTPS configuration is automatically enabled on port 8083.

After the installation completes successfully, you can switch to the HTTP configuration by changing the value of the _WebReports_HTTPServer_UseSSLFlag setting to 0. For more information, see Customizing HTTPS on Web Reports.

To install the BigFix Web Reports in your production environment, perform the following steps:

  1. From the shell where you extract the server package, move to the installation directory
    and enter the following command:
  2. Install the Production type by entering 2, because the Evaluation type does not allow to install the components separately.
  3. After reading the License Agreement, enter 1 to accept it and continue.
    Note: If you have already installed the BigFix server, the License Agreement is not displayed.
  4. Select 3 if you want to install the Web Reports component only:
    Select the BigFix features that you want to install:
    [1]  All components (server, client, Web Reports and WebUI)
    [2]  Server and client only 
    [3]  Web Reports only 
    [4]  WebUI and client only 
    [5]  Server, WebUI and client only 
    [6]  Web Reports, WebUI and client only 
    [7]  Server, Web Reports and client only 
    Choose one of the options above or press <Enter> to accept the default value: [1]
  5. To use a local database, enter 1:
    Select the database:
    [1]  Use a local database
    [2]  Use a remote database
    Choose one of the options above or press  <Enter>  to accept the default: [1]
    The local database name is BESReporting.
  6. Enter the location where the Web Reports server stores its files:
    Choose the WebReports server's root folder:
    Specify the location for the WebReports server's root folder or 
    press  <Enter>  to accept the default: /var/opt/BESWebReportsServer 
  7. Enter the Web Reports server port number:
    Web Reports will be automatically configured to use HTTPS. 
    Choose the Web Reports server HTTPS port number.
    Specify the port number or press <Enter> to accept the default value: 8083
  8. If the local firewall is running, enter 2 to perform the configuration later:
    Firewall configuration
    The firewall of the operating system is active on the local server. 
    To enable the communication using the specified ports you can:
    [1]  Configure the firewall now
    [2]  Configure the firewall later
    Choose one of the options above or press <Enter> to accept the default value: [2]
  9. Specify the masthead file (default is /etc/opt/BESServer/actionsite.afxm):
    Deployment masthead
    Specify the masthead file (masthead.afxm or actionsite.afxm) for your deployment 
    or press <Enter> to accept the default value: /etc/opt/BESServer/actionsite.afxm
  10. Specify the DNS name or IP address of the machine on which to install Web Reports. This name is saved in your license and will be used by clients to identify the BigFix server. It cannot be changed after a license is created.
    WebReports server DNS name
    Enter the DNS name of your BigFix WebReports server 
    or press <Enter> to accept the default: 'hostname'
  11. You can specify the user name you want to use to install the Web Reports component. You can choose either the root user, or another existing user.
    Use root user for WebReports
    If you specify true, WebReports service will run with root privileges.
    [1]  True
    [2]  False
    Choose one of the options above or press <Enter> to accept the default value: [2]
    If you choose option 2, you can specify a non-root user. This user does not need to have any particular rights or to belong to a group with particular rights to be used as a Web Reports installation user:
    WebReports non-root user name
    Specify the name of the non-root user for WebReports (the user must already exists).
    Note: If you are upgrading from an earlier version, the Web Reports service user remains the same as before the upgrade.
  12. Enter the SQL Server remote host for BES Web Reports component:
    Specify the hostname or IP of the remote SQL Server system:
  13. Enter the SQL Server remote port for BES Web Reports component:
    Specify the remote SQL Server port number or press <Enter> to accept the default value: 
  14. Enter the SQL Server remote administrative user for BES Web Reports component:
    Specify the username for the remote SQL Server administrative user or press <Enter> to accept the default value: 
  15. Enter the SQL Server remote administrative user password for BES Web Reports component:
    Specify the password of the remote SQL Server administrative user:
    Enter the password again for verification:

The BigFix Web Reports installation is now complete.

You can see installation errors in the BESinstall.log and the BESAdmin command line traces in the BESAdminDebugOut.txt files under the /var/log directory.