Different ways to define a Console Operator

There are different ways to add console operators, assigning them roles or granting permissions to view or manage specific computers and sites.

  • You can add single operators at any time by selecting the Tools > Create Operator item or by right clicking in the operators work area and selecting Create Operator as described in Adding Local Operators.
  • If you are using Active Directory or a generic LDAP, you can add previously defined users by selecting the Tools > Add LDAP Operator item or by right clicking in the operators work area and selecting Add LDAP Operator as described in Adding Identity Provider Operators.
  • You can also associate an LDAP group to an existing role, in this way, with just one click, you add an operator for each user specified in the LDAP group and you associate that operator to the role. For more information about this capability, see Associating an Identity Provider Group.
Note: For LDAP operator and LDAP Group an Active Directory or LDAP directory must first be added to BigFix.