Extending BigFix management capabilities

BigFix 11 delivers a few significant new functions for enhancing the visibility and management of devices on your network regardless of whether the devices are physical or virtual.

Challenges faced in managing modern IT infrastructures

Managing their infrastructures is growing more and more challenging and complex for IT organizations. With the advent of multiple types of servers, different operating systems, software, cloud computing and services, and technology that is changing almost every minute, it becomes difficult to track, control, and manage the IT environments.
  • Technologies such as cloud computing and mobility change the IT landscapes fast and it becomes difficult to stay current.
  • Catering to new compliance and regulatory requirements while still complying with the old ones has mandated the need for a cost-effective solution.
  • As IT organizations continue to increase operations around latest technologies, security becomes a major concern.
  • Sophisticated IT infrastructures that support high computing and data analysis need efficient and cost-effective data extraction and data storage techniques.

BigFix 11 features

To achieve transparency across your heterogeneous IT environments, you need a more automated, comprehensive, and robust solution like BigFix 11. This all-new version of BigFix provides you with an accurate view of the resources in your network, key analytics, and detailed insights that can enable your decision makers to make faster and informed decisions about IT management.