Features of BigFix Runbook AI

BigFix Runbook AI automates the identification of automation candidates, utilizes machine learning and natural language processing for issue resolution, supports various types of automations, provides a repository of reusable fixlets, aggregates knowledge from multiple sources, offers real-time updates and proactive notifications, includes a dashboard for performance tracking, and ensures enterprise-grade security.

BigFix Runbook AI comes along with a host of features which are growing with every release. The current version comes packaged with the following features:

  • Self-service driven Identification of Automation Candidates
  • Intelligently analyze ticket data from IT Service Management Platform to identify potential automation candidates
  • Machine Learning and NLP Enabled
  • Leverages Natural Language Processing to understand & analyze the context of the issue, recommends most relevant solution from its repository, and triggers it automatically for remediation
  • Automation Diversity
  • Supports different types of automations such as Incidents, Service Requests Tasks, Change Requests Tasks, Scheduled Executions, Ad-Hoc Executions, Event driven remediation
  • OOB Runbook Repository
  • 300+ reusable and configurable fixlets available out of the box
  • Customizable based on client’s existing processes and other requirements
  • Create non-existent automated workflows on the fly
  • Knowledge Assistance
  • Aggregates knowledge from multiple enterprise sources (both internal and external) and builds a unified knowledge base
  • Proactive Knowledge Assistance to human agents for faster resolutions
  • Real-Time Updates
  • Track the actions performed by automations on target end points on a real-time basis
  • Leverages the data for auditing and governance and for future knowledge recommendation
  • Proactive mail notifications to detect the stopped / paused jobs for better visibility and troubleshooting
  • Dashboard
  • Captures metrics for your automations and tracks the performance of the automation platform
  • Enterprise Grade Security
  • Ensures security of your closed loop automations through various mechanisms
  • Data encryption
  • Token-based authentications for integrations
  • SAML based authentications
  • Key Rotation mechanism to avoid eavesdropping