Integration with ServiceNow

BigFix Runbook AI integrates with ServiceNow for Incident Management (IM) by creating and managing the required IM data sources. Before creating or configuring the data source, ensure that the organization has been set up.

Incident Management

To fetch information about Incidents, usually, creation of a data source for Incident Management should suffice. However, there could be scenarios where some additional fields / values are required from CMDB for processing the tickets – recommending the relevant runbooks and parsing the tickets to extract relevant parameters, for which separate data sources for CMDB CI must be created. Here, we will cover the procedure for creating both kinds of data sources.

Create Data Source for Incident Management

To create a data source for Incident Management, perform the following steps:

  • On the main menu bar, click Actions TabManage Data Sources.
  • The Create Data Source page appears with the following tabs:
  • Organization
  • Data Source
  • Fetch Data Configuration
  • Release Rules Configuration
  • Close Rules Configuration (Optional – applicable only when the ticket closure status update is managed by BigFix Runbook AI directly instead of RBA tool)
  • InProgress Rules Configuration (Optional – applicable only when the ticket’s in progress status updates is managed by BigFix Runbook AI directly instead of RBA tool)
Figure 1. Figure 2 – Create Data Source

Release Rules Configuration is only applicable for the following Module types- Incident Management, Change Request Task and Service Request Task. This tab will not be activated for other module types.

  • On the Organization tab,
  • Select the Organization Name from the dropdown.
  • Select the Module as Incident Management, since we are configuring this data source for pulling the incident tickets.
  • Select the Service as Service Now Tool as we are configuring the data source for ServiceNow
  • Select the Integration Type as REST, since we will be integrating through REST APIs.
  • Check Is Ticket Closure Managed by BigFix Runbook AI job if you want BigFix Runbook AI to manage the ticket closure updates instead of the RBA tool. In this scenario, an additional tab Close Rules Configuration will be activated for providing further details, steps for which are mentioned later.
  • Check “Is ticket InProgress Managed by BigFix Runbook AI job” if you want BigFix Runbook AI to manage the ticket’s in progress status updates instead of the RBA tool. In this scenario, an additional tab “InProgress Rules Configuration” will be activated for providing further details, steps for which are mentioned later.
  • Click Next.
Figure 2. Figure 3 – Create Data Source (cont.)
  • On the Data Source tab,
  • Type the new data source in the Name field.
  • Select the Timezone to specify the time zone of the selected data source.
  • Select Timestamp to view the present data with date and time.
  • Select Analysis Enabled if user wants to analyze the data retrieved from the data source.
  • Click Next.
Figure 3. Figure 4 – Create Data Source (cont.)
  • On the Fetch Data Configuration tab, type in the details as per the environment.
  • In the Connection Details section, enter the following details:
  • URL – Type the URL which contains the placeholders that display the parameters based on the applied clause such as the number of records to be fetched, query type, date on which the data is fetched, and the order by and so on. It is dependent on the URL or API provided by the tool.
  • Sample URL ->=#StartDate#^sys_updated_on<=#EndDate#^ORDERBYsys_updated_on
  • Authentication Type – Select one of the Authentication Types from Basic / Windows, JWT, OAuth 2.0
  • Selection of Basic / Windows requires you to enter -
  • User Id
  • Password.
  • Selection of JWT / OAuth 2.0 requires you to enter -
  • User Id
  • Password
  • Authentication URL
  • Request Method – Select GET, POST or PUT as the Request method as per the URL configured.
  • Proxy Required – Check Proxy Required, if the environment needs access to content from data sources outside the firewall.
  • Click on Test Connection to check accessibility of URL from service. Testing the connection is not mandatory, you can still create Data source.
Figure 4. Figure 5 – Create Data Source (Connection Details)
Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated

For password, click on the icon next to it. If the password is available in plaintext, then select Input type as Input Text and enter the password in Value field. Else if it is available in any Key Vault such as CyberArk then select Input Type as CyberArk and then select any of the configured details from the value field.

Figure 5. Figure 6  Password in Plaintext
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
Figure 6. Figure 7  Password from Key Vault (CyberArk)
Graphical user interface Description automatically generated
  • Request Authentication Parameters – If the user has additional parameters, click Add Authentication Parameters under the Request Authentication Parameters tab.
  • Based on the Authentication Type, add the parameters mentioned in the below table.

Table 1. Table 2– Sample Authentication Parameters
Authentication Type Key Value Is Encrypted? Is Key?
JWT username <username> NO YES
JWT password <password> YES YES
JWT TokenKey access_token NO NO
JWT ResponseType TEXT NO NO
OAuth2.0 username <username NO YES
OAuth2.0 password <password> YES YES
OAuth2.0 AuthMethod POST NO NO
OAuth2.0 AuthPrefix Bearer NO NO
OAuth2.0 client_id <clientID> YES YES
OAuth2.0 client_secret <clientsecret> YES YES
OAuth2.0 TokenKey access_token NO NO
OAuth2.0 ResponseType JSON NO NO
OAuth2.0 grant_type Password NO YES
Figure 7. Figure 8 – Create Data Source (Request Authentication Parameters for JWT)
Figure 8. Figure 9 – Create Data Source (Request Authentication Parameters for OAuth2.0)
  • URL Path Parameters – Based on the URL entered earlier, please map the values to the URL Path Parameters. E.g., for the URL entered earlier, please populate the below inputs:

Key: #Columns#

ValueType: Text



Note – These columns are mandatory. User can add more columns if more data is required to be fetched from ITSM tool.

Key: #StartDate#

ValueType: SQL UDF

VALUE: @@GetFromDateTimeUsingIncidentModifiedDate

Key: #EndDate#

ValueType: SQL UDF

VALUE: @@GetToolCurrentDateTime

Figure 9. Figure 10– URL Path Parameters
  • Request Header Parameters – Please enter the request header parameters as required.
  • Request Body – Please enter the request body for the configured URL, if applicable.
  • Response Body – In this section, please enter the output of URL query for one of the incidents in JSON format. A sample response is mentioned below.

Response Body –

{ "result": [{ "number": "INC0079154", "closed_at": "", "assignment_group": { "link": "< user group>", "value": "All user group" }, "incident_state": "6", "sys_created_on": "2017-12-22 06:59:03", "description": "Memory Utilization:", "short_description": "Memory Utilization:localhost", "sys_updated_on": "2018-01-02 06:39:56", "category": "", "priority": "4", "sys_id": "123456" }] }

  • After entering the response, click Extract Keys to add the parameters in the Mandatory Parameter Mapping section.
  • Mandatory Parameter Mapping – Please map the mandatory parameters to the respective values as mentioned in the screenshot below:
Table 2. Table 3– Sample Mandatory Parameter Mapping
Key Value Type Value
TicketNumber JSON.Keys result.0.number
Summary JSON.Keys result.0.short_description
Description JSON.Keys result.0.description
CreationDate JSON.Keys result.0.sys_created_on
StatusCode JSON.Keys result.0.incident_state
ResolvedDate JSON.Keys result.0.closed_at
LastModifiedDate JSON.Keys result.0.sys_updated_on
Figure 10. Figure 11 – Mandatory Parameter Mapping
  • If you need to add Optional parameters, click Add Response Parameter to add more parameters. For our purpose, we will be adding a couple of extra parameters, as mentioned below, as we need them in the later section.
Table 3. Table 4– Sample Optional Parameters
Key Value Type Value
AssignedGroup JSON.Keys result.0.assignment_group.value
Col1 JSON.Keys result.0.sys_id
Figure 11. Figure 12 – Optional Parameter Mapping
  • Click Next to proceed to Release Rules Configuration.
  • On Release Rules Configuration tab, type in the details as per the requirement.
  • In the Connection Details section, enter the following details:
  • URL – Type the URL of the selected service type to release the ticket. It contains the placeholders that display the parameters based on the applied clause and is dependent on the URL or API provided by the tool.
  • Sample URL - https://<URL>
  • Authentication Type – Please enter the information in line with the Authentication type configured for fetching data configuration previously.
  • User Id: Enter the user id for the configured ITSM.
  • Password: For password, click on icon next to it. If the password is available in plaintext, then select Input type as Input Text and enter the password in Value field. Else if it is available in any Key Vault such as CyberArk then select Input Type as CyberArk and then select any of the configured details from the value field.
Figure 12. Figure 13  Password in Plaintext
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
Figure 13. Figure 14  Password from Key Vault (CyberArk)
Graphical user interface Description automatically generated
  • Request Method – Select Request Method as PUT from the drop-down.
  • Proxy Required – Check Proxy Required, if the environment needs access to content from data sources outside the firewall.
  • Click on Test Connection to check accessibility of URL from service. Testing the connection is not mandatory, you can still create Data source.
Figure 14. Figure 15 – Release Rules Configuration (Connection Details)
Graphical user interface Description automatically generated
  • URL Path Parameters – Based on the URL entered earlier, please map the values to the URL Path Parameters. E.g., for the URL entered earlier, please populate the below inputs:

Key: #incident#

ValueType: Table Columns


Select from dropdown that mapped to sys_id from previous screen “Col2

Figure 15. Figure 16 – Release Rules Configuration (URL Path Parameters)
  • Request Header Parameters – Please enter the request header parameters as required.
  • Request Body – In this section, please enter the request body in JSON format. A sample request is mentioned below:

Request Body –

{ "assignment_group" : "#AssignmentGroup#","work_notes" : "#work_notes#" }

Figure 16. Figure 17 – Release Rules Configuration (Request Body)
  • Response Body – In this section, please enter the response body in JSON format. A sample response is mentioned below.

Response Body –

{ "result" : "#success#" }

Figure 17. Figure 18 – Release Rules Configuration (Response Body)
  • Response Key Value mapping can be done as per the below table.
Table 4. Table 5– Sample Response Key Value Mapping
#success# Text OK
  • On Close Rules Configuration tab, type in the details as per the requirement. Check Same as Release if similar configurations as mentioned in “Release Rules Configuration” are required, else proceed ahead.
  • In the Connection Details section, enter the following details:
  • URL – Type the URL of the selected service type to release the ticket. It contains the placeholders that display the parameters based on the applied clause and is dependent on the URL or API provided by the tool.
  • Sample URL - https://<url>
  • Authentication Type – Please enter the information in line with the Authentication type configured for fetching data configuration previously.
  • User Id: Enter user id for the configured ITSM tool.
  • Password: For password, click on icon next to it. If the password is available in plaintext, then select Input Text as Input Type and enter the password in Value field. Else if it is available in any Key Vault such as CyberArk then select Input Type as CyberArk and then select any of the configured details from the value field.
Figure 18. Figure 19  Password in plaintext
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
Figure 19. Figure 20  Password from Key Vault (CyberArk)
Graphical user interface Description automatically generated
  • Request Method – Select Request Method as PUT from the drop-down.
  • Proxy Required – Check Proxy Required, if the environment needs access to content from data sources outside the firewall.
  • Click on Test Connection to check accessibility of URL from service. Testing the connection is not mandatory, you can still create Data source.
Figure 20. Figure 21 – Close Rules Configuration (Connection Details)
  • URL Path Parameters – Based on the URL entered earlier, please map the values to the URL Path Parameters. E.g., for the URL entered earlier, please populate the below inputs:

Key: #incident#

ValueType: Table Columns


Select from dropdown that mapped to sys_id from previous screen “Col2

Figure 21. Figure 22 – Close Rules Configuration (URL Path Parameters)
  • Request Header Parameters – Please enter the request header parameters as required.
  • Request Body – In this section, please enter the request body in JSON format. A sample request is mentioned below.

Request Body –

{ "incident_state" : "6"} If you also want to add worknotes while Close ticket, use json {"incident_state":"6", "work_notes": "#Notes#"}

Figure 22. Figure 23 – Close Rules Configuration (Request Body)
C:\Users\vashistg\Desktop\iAutomate Documents\InProgress-Close Documentation\3.InProgress-Close.JPG
  • Response Body – In this section, please enter the response body in JSON format. A sample response is mentioned below.

Response Body –

{ "result" : "#success#" }

Figure 23. Figure 24 – Close Rules Configuration (Response Body)
  • Response Key Value mapping can be done as per the below table.
Table 5. Table 6– Sample Response Key Value Mapping
#success# Text OK
  • On InProgress Rules Configuration tab, type in the details as per the requirement. Check Same as Release if similar configurations as mentioned in “Release Rules Configuration” are required, else proceed ahead.
  • In the Connection Details section, enter the following details:
  • URL – Type the URL of the selected service type to release the ticket. It contains the placeholders that display the parameters based on the applied clause and is dependent on the URL or API provided by the tool.
  • Sample URL - https://<url>
  • Authentication Type – Please enter the information in line with the Authentication type configured for fetching data configuration previously.
  • User Id  Enter the user id for the configured ITSM tool.
  • Password For password, click on icon next to it. If the password is available in plaintext then select Input type as Input Text and enter the password in Value field. Else if it is available in any Key Vault such as CyberArk then select Input Type as CyberArk and then select any of the configured details from the value field.
Figure 24. Figure 25  Password in plaintext
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
Figure 25. Figure 26  Password from Key Vault (CyberArk)
Graphical user interface Description automatically generated
  • Request Method – Select Request Method as PUT from the drop-down.
  • Proxy Required – Check Proxy Required, if the environment needs access to content from data sources outside the firewall.
  • Click on Test Connection to check accessibility of URL from service. Testing the connection is not mandatory, you can still create Data source.
Figure 26. Figure 27 – InProgress Rules Configuration (Connection Details)
  • URL Path Parameters – Based on the URL entered earlier, please map the values to the URL Path Parameters. E.g., for the URL entered earlier, please populate the below inputs:

Key: #incident#

ValueType: Table Columns


Select from dropdown that mapped to sys_id from previous screen “Col2

Figure 27. Figure 28 – InProgress Rules Configuration (URL Path Parameters)
  • Request Header Parameters – Please enter the request header parameters as required.
  • Request Body – In this section, please enter the request body in JSON format. A sample request is mentioned below:

Request Body –

{"incident_state" : "2"} If you also want to add worknotes while inprogress ticket, use json {"incident_state":"2", "work_notes": "#Notes#"}

Figure 28. Figure 29 – InProgress Rules Configuration (Request Body)
C:\Users\vashistg\Desktop\iAutomate Documents\InProgress-Close Documentation\3.1.InProgress-Close.JPG
  • Response Body – In this section, please enter the response body in JSON format. A sample response is mentioned below.

Response Body –

{ "result" : "#success#" }

Figure 29. Figure 30 – InProgress Rules Configuration (Response Body)
  • Response Key Value mapping can be done as per the below table:
Table 6. Table 7– Sample Response Key Value Mapping
#success# Text OK
  • Click Submit to add the data source.
  • In order to bring the tickets within BigFix Runbook AI scope, a specific queue needs to be configured in the ITSM tool and the same has to be configured in BigFix Runbook AI. This is achieved through Manage the Entry Criteria. Please perform the below steps –
  • Go to Action Tab and click Manage Data Sources.
  • On the Data Sources tab, click next to the data source that user wants to manage. Manage Entry Criteria screen appears.
Figure 30. Figure 31 – Manage Entry Criteria
  • Select ‘AssignedGroup’ for the Column field and ‘equals to’ for the Operator field.
  • Enter the sys_id of the assignment group in ServiceNow in the Value field.
  • Clause and Sub-Clause fields can also be added based on requirement.
Figure 31. Figure 32 – Manage Entry Criteria (cont.)
  • Click Save.

Create Data Source for CMDB CI

To use the field values of CMDB CI for the purpose of Recommendation and Parsing by BigFix Runbook AI services, two data sources need to be created.

To create a data source for CMDB CI, please refer to Create Data Source for Incident Management.

To create a data source for CMDB CI, perform the following steps:

  • On the main menu bar, click Actions TabManage Data Sources.
  • The Create Data Source page appears with the following tabs:
  • Organization
  • Data Source
  • Fetch Data Configuration
Figure 32. Figure 33 – Create Data Source – CMDB CI

Release Rules Configuration is only applicable for the following Module types:

- Incident Management,

- Change Request Task and

- Service Request Task. (This tab will not be activated for other module types.)

  • On the Organization tab:
  • Select the Organization Name from the dropdown.
  • Select the Module as CMDB CI, since we are configuring this data source for using its field value for the incidents.
  • Select the Service as Service Now Tool as we are configuring the data source for ServiceNow
  • Select the Integration Type as REST, since we will be integrating through REST APIs.
  • Click Next.
Figure 33. Figure 34 – Create Data Source – CMDB CI (cont.)
  • On the Data Source tab:
  • Type the new data source in the Name field.
  • Select the Timezone to specify the time zone of the selected data source.
  • Select Timestamp to view the present data with date and time.
  • Select Analysis Enabled if user wants to analyze the data retrieved from the data source.
  • Click Next.
Figure 34. Figure 35 – Create Data Source – CMDB CI (cont.)
  • On the Fetch Data Configuration tab, type in the details as per the environment.
  • In the Connection Details section, enter the following details:
  • URL – Type the URL which contains the placeholders that display the parameters based on the applied clause such as the number of records to be fetched, query type, date on which the data is fetched, and the order by and so on. It is dependent on the URL or API provided by the tool.
  • Sample URL ->=#StartDate#^sys_updated_on<=#EndDate#^ORDERBYsys_updated_on
  • Authentication Type – Select one of the Authentication Types from Basic / Windows, JWT, OAuth 2.0
  • Selection of Basic / Windows requires you to enter -
  • User Id
  • Password.
  • Selection of JWT / OAuth 2.0 requires you to enter -
  • User Id
  • Password
  • Authentication URL
  • Request Body - Select GET, POST or PUT as Request Method as per the configured URL.
  • Proxy Required – Check Proxy Required, if the environment needs access to content from data sources outside the firewall.
  • Click on Test Connection to check accessibility of URL from service. Testing the connection is not mandatory, you can still create Data source.
Figure 35. Figure 36 – Create Data Source – CMDB CI (Connection Details)
Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated
  • Password  For password, click on icon next to it. If the password is available in plaintext, then select Input type as Input Text and enter the password in Value field. Else if it is available in any Key Vault such as CyberArk then select Input Type as CyberArk and then select any of the configured details from the value field.
Figure 36. Figure 37  Password in plaintext
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
Figure 37. Figure 38  Password from Key Vault (CyberArk)
Graphical user interface Description automatically generated
  • Request Authentication Parameters – If the user has additional parameters, click Add Authentication Parameters under the Request Authentication Parameters tab.
  • Based on the Authentication Type, add the parameters mentioned in the below table.
Table 7. Table 8– Sample Authentication Parameters – CMDB CI
Authentication Type Key Value Is Encrypted? Is Key?
JWT username <username> NO YES
JWT password <password> YES YES
JWT TokenKey access_token NO NO
JWT ResponseType TEXT NO NO
OAuth2.0 username <username NO YES
OAuth2.0 password <password> YES YES
OAuth2.0 AuthMethod POST NO NO
OAuth2.0 AuthPrefix Bearer NO NO
OAuth2.0 client_id <clientID> YES YES
OAuth2.0 client_secret <clientsecret> YES YES
OAuth2.0 TokenKey access_token NO NO
OAuth2.0 ResponseType JSON NO NO
OAuth2.0 grant_type Password NO YES
Figure 38. Figure 39 – Create Data Source – CMDB CI (Request Authentication Parameters for JWT)
Figure 39. Figure 40 – Create Data Source -CMDB CI (Request Authentication Parameters for OAuth2.0)
  • URL Path Parameters – Based on the URL entered earlier, please map the values to the URL Path Parameters. E.g., for the URL entered earlier, please populate the below inputs.

Key: #Columns#

ValueType: Text



Note – These columns are mandatory. User can add more columns if more data is required to be fetched from ITSM tool.

Key: #StartDate#

ValueType: SQL UDF

VALUE: @@GetFromDateTimeUsingiCMDBModifiedDate

Key: #EndDate#

ValueType: SQL UDF

VALUE: @@GetToolCurrentDateTime

Figure 40. Figure 41– URL Path Parameters – CMDB CI
  • Request Header Parameters – Please enter the request header parameters as required.
  • Request Body - Please enter the request body as per the configured URL, if applicable.
  • Response Body – In this section, please enter the output of URL query for one of the incidents in JSON format. A sample response is mentioned below:

Response Body –


"result": {

"sys_id": "c8d2f53fdbcc1490e3bbde06f4961918",

"name": "EC2AMAZ-FIHS9M1",

"category": "Application",

"subcategory": "Windows",

"sys_updated_on":"2020-06-11 12:43:56"



  • After entering the response, click Extract Keys to add the parameters in the Mandatory Parameter Mapping section.
  • Mandatory Parameter Mapping – Please map the mandatory parameters to the respective values as mentioned in the screenshot below.
Table 8. Table 9– Sample Mandatory Parameter Mapping – CMDB CI
Key Value Type Value
ToolCIId JSON.Keys result.sys_id
ToolCIName JSON.Keys
ToolCICategory JSON.Keys result.category
Figure 41. Figure 42 – Mandatory Parameter Mapping – CMDB CI
  • If you need to add Optional parameters, click Add Response Parameter to add more parameters. For our purpose, we will be adding a couple of extra parameters, as mentioned below, as we need them in the later section.
Table 9. Table 10– Sample Optional Parameters – CMDB CI
Key Value Type Value
Col3 JSON.Keys result. subcategory
Figure 42. Figure 43 – Optional Parameter Mapping – CMDB CI
  • Click Next to proceed to Release Rules Configuration.
  • Click Submit to add the data source.

Configuration of additional parameters for Recommendation and Parsing

To use the field values of CMDB CI for the purpose of Recommendation and Parsing by BigFix Runbook AI services, they need to be mapped to Incident Management.

To do so, perform the following steps -

  • On the main menu bar, click Advance Configuration Parameter  Manage Column.
Figure 43. Figure 44 – Map CMDB CI to Incident Management
  • Select Organization Name from dropdown. Select Incident Management as the Module.
Figure 44. Figure 45 – Map CMDB CI to Incident Management (cont.)

Summary, Description, RunbookToolTenantID, ModuleType are the default entries.

  • Select iCMDB in Table dropdown.
  • Select the column of CMDB which has to be mapped to incident in the Column dropdown. In this case, we are selecting subcategory.
  • Check the fields Use For Parsing and ‘Base’ in Use For Recommendation.
Figure 45. Figure 46 – Map CMDB CI to Incident Management (cont.)
  • Click Save. The page lists one additional entry i.e. ‘Subcategory’, as depicted below:
Figure 46. Figure 47 – Map CMDB CI to Incident Management (cont.)
  • For Recommendation, above steps are sufficient. But for Parsing, additional steps are required to be performed.
  • On the main menu bar, click on Advance configuration -> Parameter.
  • Click Configure Parameter Type. By default, there are several entries already defined.
Figure 47. Figure 48 – Map CMDB CI to Incident Management (cont.)
  • Click Add New.
Figure 48. Figure 49 – Map CMDB CI to Incident Management (cont.)
  • Mention Parameter Type, for e.g. Category
  • Select ‘Equal Search’ in the Parse By field.
  • Select ‘Description’ in the Default Field Name field.
  • Click Submit.
Figure 49. Figure 50 – Map CMDB CI to Incident Management (cont.)
  • Next step is to map this Parameter Type i.e. ‘Category’, to the one that was created via Manage Columns in earlier step by the name subcategory. To do that, perform the following steps:
  • On the main menu bar, click Advance Configuration  Parameter.
  • Click Manage Parameter Configuration.
Figure 50. Figure 51 – Map CMDB CI to Incident Management (cont.)
  • Select Organization.
  • Select ‘Incident Management’ as the Data Source.
  • Select the newly created parameter ‘Category’ from Parameter Type dropdown.
  • From the Field dropdown, select ‘subcategory’, the parameter that has been mapped via Manage Columns.
Figure 51. Figure 52 – Map CMDB CI to Incident Management (cont.)
  • Click Save.
  • To verify whether this parameter is successfully parsed or not, perform the following steps -
  • On the main menu bar, click Runbooks.
  • Click Manage Runbooks.
  • Select the Runbook Tool mapped with the organization.
Figure 52. Figure 53 – Map CMDB CI to Incident Management (cont.)
  • The parameter, Category, which was created in earlier steps, has to be added as one of the parameters to the existing runbook. You can also create a new runbook with Category as one of the parameters.
  • Click the Edit icon to edit the runbook.
  • In the Parameters section, add a new parameter with any relevant Parameter Name, Parameter Label, Parameter Description, Default Parameter Value. Ensure that Parameter Type is selected as Category.
Figure 53. Figure 54 – Map CMDB CI to Incident Management (cont.)
  • Add the parameter and click Update.
  • Ensure that the runbook in which the parameter is added is mapped with the organization.
  • Next step is to build the Recommendation model and to do that perform the following steps:
  • On the main menu bar, click Actions -> Build Model.
  • ReBuild / Re-build the model for the Organization under Incident Management module for the mapped runbook tool.
Figure 54. Figure 55 – Map CMDB CI to Incident Management (cont.)
  • Run the entire flow and see if the runbook recommended for the ticket in which the parameter was added has the parameter Category with its expected value.
Figure 55. Figure 56 – Map CMDB CI to Incident Management (cont.)

Service Request Management

To fetch information about Service Requests, usually, creation of a data source for Service Request Tasks should suffice. However, there could be scenarios where some additional fields / values are required for processing the tickets – recommending the relevant runbooks and parsing the tickets to extract relevant parameters, for which separate data sources for Service Request and Service Request Item must be created. Here, we will cover the procedure for creating all 3 kinds of data sources.

Create Data Source for Service Request

To create a data source for Service Requests, perform the following steps:

  • On the main menu bar, click Action TabManage Data Sources.
  • The Create Data Source page appears with the following tabs:
  • Organization
  • Data Source
  • Fetch Data Configuration
Figure 56. Figure 57 - Create Data Source – Service Request

Release Rules Configuration is only applicable for the following Module types- Incident Management, Change Request Task and Service Request Task. This tab will not be activated for other module types.

  • On the Organization tab:
  • Select the Organization Name from the dropdown.
  • In the Module field, select ‘Service Request’, since we are using this data source for using its field value for the Service Request Tasks.
  • In the Service field, select Service Now Tool as we are configuring the data source for ServiceNow.
  • In the Integration Type field, select REST API, since we will be integrating through REST APIs.
  • Click Next.
Figure 57. Figure 58 - Create Data Source – Service Request (cont.)
  • On the Data Source tab,
  • Type the new data source in the Name field.
  • Select the Timezone to specify the time zone of the selected data source.
  • Select Is Datetime to view the present data with date and time.
  • Select Analysis Enabled if user wants to analyze the data retrieved from the data source.
  • Click Next.
Figure 58. Figure 59 - Create Data Source – Service Request (cont.)
  • On the Fetch Data Configuration tab, populate the details as per the environment.
  • In the Connection Details section, enter the following details:
  • URL – Type the URL which contains the placeholders that display the parameters based on the applied clause such as the number of records to be fetched, query type, date on which the data is fetched, and the order by and so on. It is dependent on the URL or API provided by the tool.
  • Sample URL - sc_request?sysparm_fields=#Columns#&sysparm_query=sys_updated_on>=#StartDate#^sys_updated_on<=#EndDate#^ORDERBYsys_updated_on
  • Authentication Type – Select one of the Authentication Types from Basic / Windows, JWT, OAuth 2.0
  • Selection of Basic / Windows requires you to enter -
  • User Id
  • Password
  • Selection of JWT / OAuth 2.0 requires you to enter -
  • User Id
  • Password
  • Authentication URL
  • Request Body – Select the GET, POST or PUT as Request Method as per the configured URL.
  • Proxy Required – Check Proxy Required, if the environment needs access to content from data sources outside the firewall.
  • Click on Test Connection to check accessibility of URL from service. Testing the connection is not mandatory, you can still create Data source.
Figure 59. Figure 60 – Create Data Source – Service Request (Connection Details)
Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated
  • Password  For password, click on icon next to it. If the password is available in plaintext, then select Input type as Input Text and enter the password in Value field. Else if it is available in any Key Vault such as CyberArk then select Input Type as CyberArk and then select any of the configured details from the value field.
Figure 60. Figure 61  Password in plaintext
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
Figure 61. Figure 62  Password from Key Vault (CyberArk)
Graphical user interface Description automatically generated
  • Request Authentication Parameters – If the user has additional parameters, click Add Authentication Parameters under the Request Authentication Parameters tab.
  • Based on the Authentication Type, add the parameters mentioned in the below table:
Table 10. Table 11 – Sample Authentication Parameters – Service Request
Authentication Type Key Value Is Encrypted? Is Key?
JWT username <username> NO YES
JWT password <password> YES YES
JWT TokenKey access_token NO NO
JWT ResponseType TEXT NO NO
OAuth2.0 username <username NO YES
OAuth2.0 password <password> YES YES
OAuth2.0 AuthMethod POST NO NO
OAuth2.0 AuthPrefix Bearer NO NO
OAuth2.0 client_id <clientID> YES YES
OAuth2.0 client_secret <clientsecret> YES YES
OAuth2.0 TokenKey access_token NO NO
OAuth2.0 ResponseType JSON NO NO
OAuth2.0 grant_type Password NO YES
Figure 62. Figure 63 – Create Data Source – Service Request (Request Authentication Parameters for JWT)
Figure 63. Figure 64 – Create Data Source – Service Request (Request Authentication Parameters for OAuth2.0)
  • URL Path Parameters – Based on the URL entered earlier, please map the values to the URL Path Parameters. E.g., for the URL entered earlier, please populate the below inputs:

Key: #Columns#

ValueType: Text



Note – These columns are mandatory. User can add more columns if more data is required to be fetched from ITSM tool.

Key: #StartDate#

ValueType: SQL UDF

VALUE: @@GetFromDateTimeUsingServiceRequestModifiedDate

Key: #EndDate#

ValueType: SQL UDF

VALUE: @@GetToolCurrentDateTime

Figure 64. Figure 65 – URL Path Parameters – Service Request (Service Request Task Management)
  • Request Header Parameters – Please enter the request header parameters as required.
  • Request Body - Enter the request body in JSON format as per the configured URL, if applicable.
  • Response Body – In this section, please enter the output of URL query for one of the service request tasks in JSON format. A sample response is mentioned below.

Response Body –


"result": {

"number": "REQ0011787",

"sys_id": "2ae764d5db199c14e3bbde06f496195a",

"short_description": "Test",

"request_state": "in_process",

"sys_created_on": "2020-06-08 10:34:54",

"description": "test",

"sys_updated_on": "2020-06-08 10:34:56",

"state": "2"



  • After entering the response, click Extract Keys to add the parameters in the Mandatory Parameter Mapping section.
  • Mandatory Parameter Mapping – Please map the mandatory parameters to the respective values as mentioned in the screenshot below.
Table 11. Table 12– Sample Mandatory Mapping Parameters – Service Request
Key Value Type Value
TicketNumber JSON.Keys result.number
Summary JSON.Keys result.short_description
Description JSON.Keys result.description
StatusCode JSON.Keys result.state
LastModifiedDate JSON.Keys result.sys_updated_on
TicketToolUID JSON.Keys result.sys_id
Figure 65. Figure 66 – Mandatory Parameter Mapping (Service Request Management)
  • If you need to add Optional parameters, click Add Response Parameter to add more parameters. For our purpose, we will be adding a couple of extra parameters, as mentioned below, as we need them in the later section.
Table 12. Table 13– Sample Optional Mapping Parameters – Service Request
Key Value Type Value
Col3 JSON.Keys result.request_state
Figure 66. Figure 67 – Optional Parameter Mapping (Service Request Management)
  • Click Submit to add the data source.

Create Data Source for Service Request Tasks

To create a data source for Service Requests Tasks Management, perform the following steps:

  • On the main menu bar, click Actions Tab  Manage Data Sources.
  • The Create Data Source page appears with the following tabs:
  • Organization
  • Data Source
  • Fetch Data Configuration
  • Release Rules Configuration
Figure 67. Figure 68 - Create Data Source – Service Request Tasks

Release Rules Configuration is only applicable for the following Module types- Incident Management, Change Request Task and Service Request Task. This tab will not be activated for other module types.

  • On the Organization tab,
  • Select the Organization Name from the dropdown.
  • In the Module field, select ‘Service Request Task’, since we are configuring this data source for pulling the service requests tasks.
  • In the Service field, select Service Now Tool as we are configuring the data source for ServiceNow
  • In the Integration Type field, select REST, since we will be integrating through REST APIs.
  • Click Next.
Figure 68. Figure 69 - Create Data Source – Service Request Tasks (cont.)
  • On the Data Source tab,
  • Type the new data source in the Name field.
  • Select the Timezone to specify the time zone of the selected data source.
  • Select Timestamp to view the present data with date and time.
  • Select Analysis Enabled, if user wants to analyze the data retrieved from the data source.
  • Click Next.
Figure 69. Figure 70 - Create Data Source – Service Request Tasks (cont.)
  • On the Fetch Data Configuration tab, type in the details as per the environment.
  • In the Connection Details section, enter the following details:
  • URL – Type the URL which contains the placeholders that display the parameters based on the applied clause such as the number of records to be fetched, query type, date on which the data is fetched, and the order by and so on. It is dependent on the URL or API provided by the tool.
  • Sample URL -^sys_updated_on>=#StartDate#^sys_updated_on<=#EndDate#^ORDERBYsys_updated_on
  • Authentication Type – Select one of the Authentication Types from Basic / Windows, JWT, OAuth 2.0
  • Selection of Basic / Windows requires you to enter -
  • User Id
  • Password
  • Selection of JWT / OAuth 2.0 requires you to enter -
  • User Id
  • Password
  • Authentication URL
  • Request Method - Enter the request method as GET, POST or PUT as per the configured URL.
  • Proxy Required – Check Proxy Required, if the environment needs access to content from data sources outside the firewall.
  • Click on Test Connection to check accessibility of URL from service. Testing the connection is not mandatory, you can still create Data source.
Figure 70. Figure 71 – Create Data Source – Service Request Tasks (Connection Details)
Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated
  • Password  For password, click on icon next to it. If the password is available in plaintext then select Input type as Input Text and enter the password in Value field. Else if it is available in any Key Vault such as CyberArk then select Input Type as CyberArk and then select any of the configured details from the value field.
Figure 71. Figure 72  Password in plaintext
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
Figure 72. Figure 73  Password from Key Vault (CyberArk)
Graphical user interface Description automatically generated
  • Request Authentication Parameters – If the user has additional parameters, click Add Authentication Parameters under the Request Authentication Parameters tab.
  • Based on the Authentication Type, add the parameters mentioned in the below table:
Table 13. Table 14 – Sample Authentication Parameters – Service Request Tasks
Authentication Type Key Value Is Encrypted? Is Key?
JWT username <username> NO YES
JWT password <password> YES YES
JWT TokenKey access_token NO NO
JWT ResponseType TEXT NO NO
OAuth2.0 username <username NO YES
OAuth2.0 password <password> YES YES
OAuth2.0 AuthMethod POST NO NO
OAuth2.0 AuthPrefix Bearer NO NO
OAuth2.0 client_id <clientID> YES YES
OAuth2.0 client_secret <clientsecret> YES YES
OAuth2.0 TokenKey access_token NO NO
OAuth2.0 ResponseType JSON NO NO
OAuth2.0 grant_type Password NO YES
Figure 73. Figure 74 – Create Data Source – Service Request Tasks (Request Authentication Parameters for JWT)
Figure 74. Figure 75 – Request Authentication Parameters for OAuth2.0
  • URL Path Parameters – Based on the URL entered earlier, please map the values to the URL Path Parameters. E.g., for the URL entered earlier, please populate the below inputs:

Key: #Columns#

ValueType: Text


number, sys_updated_on, short_description, description, assignment_group,closed_at,category,dv_assigned_to,sys_id,sys_created_on,state,request,request_item,sys_id

Note – These columns are mandatory. User can add more columns if more data is required to be fetched from ITSM tool.

Key: #StartDate#

ValueType: SQL UDF

VALUE: @@GetFromDateTimeUsingSRTaskModifiedDate

Key: #EndDate#

ValueType: SQL UDF

VALUE: @@GetToolCurrentDateTime

Figure 75. Figure 76 – URL Path Parameters (Service Request Task)
  • Request Header Parameters – Please enter the request header parameters as required.
  • Request Body - Enter the request body in JSON format as per the configured URL, if applicable.
  • Response Body – In this section, please enter the output of URL query for one of the service request tasks in JSON format. A sample response is mentioned below.

Response Body –


"result": [{"number": "TASK2190188","short_description": "For fullfillment","description": "Test", "state": "1","active": "true","sys_created_on":"2019-12-31 05:45:39","sys_id": "0701e746db9a0450b773f3731d9619ab","approval": "not requested","sys_updated_on":"2020-01-31 05:45:39”,"request": {

"link":"", "value": "be702706db9a0450b773f3731d961907"},

"request_item": {"link": "", "value": "32702706db9a0450b773f3731d961908"




  • After entering the response, click Extract Keys to add the parameters in the Mandatory Parameter Mapping section.
  • Mandatory Parameter Mapping – Please map the mandatory parameters to the respective values as mentioned in the screenshot below.
Table 14. Table 15– Sample Mandatory Mapping Parameters – Service Request Tasks
Key Value Type Value
TicketNumber JSON.Keys result.0.number
Summary JSON.Keys result.0.short_description
Description JSON.Keys result.0.description
StatusCode JSON.Keys result.0.state
LastModifiedDate JSON.Keys result.0.sys_updated_on
RequestItemId JSON.Keys result.0.request_item.value
SRId JSON.Keys result.0.request.value
CreationDate JSON.Keys result.0.sys_created_on
Figure 76. Figure 77 – Mandatory Parameter Mapping (Service Request Task)
  • If you need to add Optional parameters, click Add Response Parameter to add more parameters. For our purpose, we will be adding a couple of extra parameters, as mentioned below, as we need them in the later section.
Table 15. Table 16– Sample Optional Mapping Parameters – Service Request Tasks
Key Value Type Value
Col1 JSON.Keys result.sys_id
Figure 77. Figure 78 – Optional Parameter Mapping (Service Request Task)
  • Click Next to proceed to Release Rules Configuration.
  • On Release Rules Configuration tab, type in the details as per the requirement.
  • In the Connection Details section, enter the following details:
  • URL – Type the URL of the selected service type to release the ticket. It contains the placeholders that display the parameters based on the applied clause and is dependent on the URL or API provided by the tool.
  • Sample URL - https://<url>
  • Authentication Type – Please enter the information in line with the Authentication type configured for fetching data configuration previously.
  • Request Method – Select Request Method as PUT from the drop-down.
  • Proxy Required – Check Proxy Required, if the environment needs access to content from data sources outside the firewall.
  • Click on Test Connection to check accessibility of URL from service. Testing the connection is not mandatory, you can still create Data source.
Figure 78. Figure 79 – Release Rules Configuration – Service Request Tasks (Connection Details)
  • Password  For password, click on icon next to it. If the password is available in plaintext, then select Input type as Input Text and enter the password in Value field. Else if it is available in any Key Vault such as CyberArk then select Input Type as CyberArk and then select any of the configured details from the value field.
Figure 79. Figure 80  Password in plaintext
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
Figure 80. Figure 81  Password from Key Vault (CyberArk)
Graphical user interface Description automatically generated
  • URL Path Parameters – Based on the URL entered earlier, please map the values to the URL Path Parameters. E.g., for the URL entered earlier, please populate the below inputs:

Key: #incident#

ValueType: Table Columns


Select from dropdown that mapped to sys_id from previous screen “Col2”

Figure 81. Figure 82 – Release Rules Configuration – Service Request Tasks (URL Path Parameters)
  • Request Header Parameters – Please enter the request header parameters as required.
  • Request Body – In this section, please enter the request body in JSON format. A sample request is mentioned below.

Request Body –

{ "assignment_group" : "#AssignmentGroup#","work_notes" : "#work_notes#" }

Figure 82. Figure 83 – Release Rules Configuration – Service Request Tasks (Request Body)
  • Response Body – In this section, please enter the response body in JSON format. A sample response is mentioned below.

Response Body –

{ "result" : "#success#" }

Figure 83. Figure 84 – Release Rules Configuration – Service Request Tasks (Response Body)
  • Response Key Value mapping can be done as per the below table.
Table 16. Table 17– Sample Response Key Value Mapping – Service Request Tasks
#success# Text OK
  • Click Submit to add the data source.
  • In order to bring the tickets within BigFix Runbook AI scope, a specific queue needs to be configured in the ITSM tool and same has to be configured in BigFix Runbook AI. This is achieved through Manage the Entry Criteria. Please perform the below steps –
  • Go to Actions tab and click Manage Data Sources.
  • On the Data Sources tab, click next to the data source user wants to manage. Manage Entry Criteria screen appears.
Figure 84. Figure 85 – Manage Entry Criteria (Service Request Task)
  • Select ‘AssignedGroup’ for the Column field and ‘equals to’ for the Operator field.
  • Enter the sys_id of the assignment group in ServiceNow in the Value field.
  • Clause and Sub-Clause fields can also be added based on requirement.
Figure 85. Figure 86 – Manage Entry Criteria (Service Request Task) cont.
  • Click Save.

Create Data Source for Service Request Item

To create a data source for Service Requests Items, perform the following steps:

  • On the main menu bar, click Actions TabManage Data Sources.
  • The Create Data Source page appears with the following tabs:
  • Organization
  • Data Source
  • Fetch Data Configuration
Figure 86. Figure 87 - Create Data Source – Service Request Item

Release Rules Configuration is only applicable for the following Module types- Incident Management, Change Request Task and Service Request Task. This tab will not be activated for other module types.

  • On the Organization tab:
  • Select the Organization Name from the dropdown.
  • In the Module field, select ‘Service Request Item’, since we are using this data source for using its field value for the Service Request Tasks.
  • In the Service field, select ‘Service Now Tool’ as we are configuring the data source for ServiceNow.
  • In the Integration Type field, select ‘REST API’, since we will be integrating through REST APIs.
  • Click Next.
Figure 87. Figure 88 - Create Data Source – Service Request Item (cont.)
  • On the Data Source tab:
  • Type the new data source in the Name field.
  • Select the Timezone to specify the time zone of the selected data source.
  • Select Timestamp to view the present data with date and time.
  • Select Analysis Enabled? if user wants to analyze the data retrieved from the data source.
  • Click Next.
Figure 88. Figure 89 - Create Data Source – Service Request Item (cont.)
  • On the Fetch Data Configuration tab, type in the details as per the environment.
  • In the Connection Details section, enter the following details:
  • URL – Type the URL which contains the placeholders that display the parameters based on the applied clause such as the number of records to be fetched, query type, date on which the data is fetched, and the order by and so on. It is dependent on the URL or API provided by the tool.
  • Sample URL - sc_req_item?sysparm_fields=#Columns#&sysparm_query=sys_updated_on>=#StartDate#^sys_updated_on<=#EndDate#^ORDERBYsys_updated_on
  • Authentication Type – Select one of the Authentication Types from Basic / Windows, JWT, OAuth 2.0
  • Selection of Basic / Windows requires you to enter -
  • User Id
  • Password.
  • Selection of JWT / OAuth 2.0 requires you to enter -
  • User Id
  • Password
  • Authentication URL
  • Request Body – Select the request method as GET, POST or PUT as per the configured URL.
  • Proxy Required – Check Proxy Required, if the environment needs access to content from data sources outside the firewall.
  • Click on Test Connection to check accessibility of URL from service. Testing the connection is not mandatory, you can still create Data source.
Figure 89. Figure 90 – Create Data Source – Service Request Item (Connection Details)
Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated
  • Password  For password, click on icon next to it. If the password is available in plaintext then select Input type as Input Text and enter the password in Value field. Else if it is available in any Key Vault such as CyberArk then select Input Type as CyberArk and then select any of the configured details from the value field.
Figure 90. Figure 91  Password in plaintext
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
Figure 91. Figure 92  Password from Key Vault (CyberArk)
Graphical user interface Description automatically generated
  • Request Authentication Parameters – If the user has additional parameters, click Add Authentication Parameters under the Request Authentication Parameters tab.
  • Based on the Authentication Type, add the parameters mentioned in the below table.
Table 17. Table 18 – Sample Authentication Parameters – Service Request Item
Authentication Type Key Value Is Encrypted? Is Key?
JWT username <username> NO YES
JWT password <password> YES YES
JWT TokenKey access_token NO NO
JWT ResponseType TEXT NO NO
OAuth2.0 username <username NO YES
OAuth2.0 password <password> YES YES
OAuth2.0 AuthMethod POST NO NO
OAuth2.0 AuthPrefix Bearer NO NO
OAuth2.0 client_id <clientID> YES YES
OAuth2.0 client_secret <clientsecret> YES YES
OAuth2.0 TokenKey access_token NO NO
OAuth2.0 ResponseType JSON NO NO
OAuth2.0 grant_type Password NO YES
Figure 92. Figure 93 – Create Data Source – Service Request Item (Request Authentication Parameters for JWT)
Figure 93. Figure 94 – Service Request Item (Request Authentication Parameters for OAuth2.0)
  • URL Path Parameters – Based on the URL entered earlier, please map the values to the URL Path Parameters. E.g., for the URL entered earlier, please populate the below inputs:

Key: #Columns#

ValueType: Text



Note – These columns are mandatory. User can add more columns if more data is required to be fetched from ITSM tool.

Key: #StartDate#

ValueType: SQL UDF

VALUE: @@GetFromDateTimeUsingiRequestItemModifiedDate

Key: #EndDate#

ValueType: SQL UDF

VALUE: @@GetToolCurrentDateTime

Figure 94. Figure 95 – URL Path Parameters – Service Request Item (Service Request Task Management)
  • Request Header Parameters – Please enter the request header parameters as required.
  • Request Body - Enter the request body in JSON format as per the configured URL, if applicable.
  • Response Body – In this section, please enter the output of URL query for one of the service request tasks in JSON format. A sample response is mentioned below:

Response Body –


"result": {

"number": "RITM0011964",

"sys_id": "6ee764d5db199c14e3bbde06f496195a",

"short_description": "Can't find the right request?TEST",

"request": {


"value": "2ae764d5db199c14e3bbde06f496195a"


"sys_created_on": "2020-06-08 10:34:54",

"approval": "approved",

"description": "Test",

"sys_updated_on": "2020-06-08 10:35:17",

"state": "2"



  • After entering the response, click Extract Keys to add the parameters in the Mandatory Parameter Mapping section.
  • Mandatory Parameter Mapping – Please map the mandatory parameters to the respective values as mentioned in the screenshot below:
Table 18. Table 19– Sample Mandatory Mapping Parameters – Service Request Item
Key Value Type Value
TicketNumber JSON.Keys result.number
Summary JSON.Keys result.short_description
Description JSON.Keys result.description
StatusCode JSON.Keys result.state
LastModifiedDate JSON.Keys result.sys_updated_on
RequestNumber JSON.Keys result.request.value
TicketToolUID JSON.Keys result.sys_id
Figure 95. Figure 96 – Mandatory Parameter Mapping (Service Request Item)
  • If you need to add Optional parameters, click Add Response Parameter to add more parameters. For our purpose, we will be adding a couple of extra parameters, as mentioned below, as we need them in the later section.
Table 19. Table 20– Sample Optional Mapping Parameters – Service Request Item
Key Value Type Value
Col2 JSON.Keys result.approval
Figure 96. Figure 97 – Optional Parameter Mapping (Service Request Item)
  • Click Submit to add the data source.

Configuration of additional parameters for Recommendation and Parsing

To use the field values of Service Request and Service Request Item for the purpose of Recommendation and Parsing by BigFix Runbook AI services, they need to be mapped to Service Request Task.

To do so, perform the following steps -

  • On the main menu bar, click Advance Configuration  Parameter  Manage Column.
Figure 97. Figure 98 – Map fields of Service Request and Service Request Item to Service Request Task
  • Select Organization Name from dropdown. Select Service Request Task as the Module.
Figure 98. Figure 99 – Map fields of Service Request and Service Request Item to Service Request Task (cont.)

Summary, Description, RunbookToolTenantID, ModuleType are the default entries.

  • To map the column of Service Request, select iServiceRequest in Table dropdown.
  • Select the column of Service Request which has to be mapped to Service Request Task in the Column dropdown. In this case, we are selecting request_state.
  • Check the fields Use For Parsing and select ‘Base’ in Use For Recommendation.
Figure 99. Figure 100 – Map fields of Service Request and Service Request Item to Service Request Task (cont.)
  • Click Save.
  • To map the column of Service Request Item, select iRequestItem in Table dropdown.
  • Select the column of Service Request Item which has to be mapped to Service Request Task in the Column dropdown. In this case, we are selecting approval.
  • Check the fields Use For Parsing and select ‘Base’ in Use For Recommendation.
Figure 100. Figure 101 – Map fields of Service Request and Service Request Item to Service Request Task (cont.)
  • Click Save. The page lists two additional entries, request_state and approval, as depicted below.
Figure 101. Figure 102 – Map fields of Service Request and Service Request Item to Service Request Task (cont.)
  • For Recommendation, above steps are sufficient. But for Parsing, additional steps are required to be performed.
  • On the main menu bar, click Environment.
  • Click Configure Parameter Type. By default, there are several entries already defined.
Figure 102. Figure 103 – Map fields of Service Request and Service Request Item to Service Request Task (cont.)
  • Click Add New.
Figure 103. Figure 104 – Map fields of Service Request and Service Request Item to Service Request Task (cont.)
  • Mention Parameter Type for Service Request column, for e.g. RequestState
  • Select ‘Equal Search’ in the Parse By field.
  • Select ‘Description’ in the Default Field Name field.
  • Click Submit.
Figure 104. Figure 105 – Map fields of Service Request and Service Request Item to Service Request Task (cont.)
  • Click Add New.
  • Mention Parameter Type for Service Request Item column, for e.g. ApprovalState.
  • In the Parse By field, select ‘Equal Search’.
  • In the Default Field Name field, select ‘Description’.
  • Click Submit.
Figure 105. Figure 106 – Map fields of Service Request and Service Request Item to Service Request Task (cont.)
  • Next step is to map this Parameter Type i.e. ‘RequestState’ and ‘ApprovalState’, to the one that was created via Manage Columns in earlier step by the name ‘request_state’ and ‘approval’, respectively. To do that, perform the following steps:
  • On the main menu bar, click Advance Configurations  Parameter.
  • Click Manage Parameter Configuration.
Figure 106. Figure 107 – Map fields of Service Request and Service Request Item to Service Request Task (cont.)
  • Selection Organization.
  • Select relevant ‘Service Request Task’ as the Data Source.
  • Select the newly created parameter RequestState from Parameter Type dropdown.
  • From the Field dropdown, select ‘request_state’, the parameter that has been mapped via Manage Columns.
Figure 107. Figure 108 – Map fields of Service Request and Service Request Item to Service Request Task (cont.)
  • Click Save.
  • Selection Organization.
  • Select relevant ‘Service Request Task’ as the Data Source.
  • Select the newly created parameter i.e. ‘ApprovalState’ from Parameter Type dropdown.
  • From the Field dropdown, select ‘approval’, the parameter that has been mapped via Manage Columns.
  • Click Save.
Figure 108. Figure 109 – Map fields of Service Request and Service Request Item to Service Request Task (cont.)
  • To verify whether this parameter is successfully parsed or not, perform the following steps -
  • On the main menu bar, click Runbooks.
  • Click Manage Runbooks.
  • Select the Runbook Tool mapped with the organization.
Figure 109. Figure 110 – Map fields of Service Request and Service Request Item to Service Request Task (cont.)
  • The parameter, RequestState and ApprovalState, which were created in earlier steps, have to be added as the parameters to the existing runbook. You can also create a new runbook with RequestState and ApprovalState as the parameters.
  • Click the Edit icon to edit the runbook.
  • In the Parameters section, add two new parameters with relevant Parameter Name, Parameter Label, Parameter Description, Default Parameter Value. Ensure that Parameter Type is selected as RequestState and ApprovalState respectively.
Figure 110. Figure 111 – Map fields of Service Request and Service Request Item to Service Request Task (cont.)
  • Add the parameters and click Update.
  • Ensure that the runbook in which the parameters are added is mapped with the organization.
  • Next step is to build the Recommendation model and to do that perform the following steps:
  • On the main menu bar, click Actions tabsRunbooks.
  • Click Build Models.
  • ReBuild / Re-build the model for the Organization under Service Request Task module for the mapped runbook tool.
Figure 111. Figure 112 – Map fields of Service Request and Service Request Item to Service Request Task (cont.)
  • Run the entire flow and see if the runbook recommended for the ticket in which the parameters were added have the parameter RequestState and ApprovalState with their expected values.
Figure 112. Figure 113 – Map fields of Service Request and Service Request Item to Service Request Task (cont.)

Change Request Management

To fetch information about Change Requests, usually, creation of a data source for Change Request Task should suffice. However, there could be scenarios where some additional fields / values are required from Change Request for processing the tickets – recommending the relevant runbooks and parsing the tickets to extract relevant parameters, for which separate data source for Change Request has to be created. Here, we will cover the procedure for creating both kinds of data sources.

Create Data Source for Change Request

To create a data source for Change Request, perform the following steps:

  • On the main menu bar, click Actions TabManage Data Sources.
  • The Create Data Source page appears with the following tabs:
  • Organization
  • Data Source
  • Fetch Data Configuration
Figure 113. Figure 114 - Create Data Source – Change Request

Release Rules Configuration is only applicable for the following Module types- Incident Management, Change Request Task and Service Request Task. This tab will not be activated for other module types.

  • On the Organization tab,
  • Select the Organization Name from the dropdown.
  • Select the Module as Change Request since we are using this data source for using its field value for the change requests.
  • Select the Service as Service Now Tool as we are configuring the data source for ServiceNow
  • Select the Integration Type as REST, since we will be integrating through REST APIs.
  • Click Next.
Figure 114. Figure 115 - Create Data Source – Change Request (cont.)
  • On the Data Source tab:
  • Type the new data source in the Name field.
  • Select the Timezone to specify the time zone of the selected data source.
  • Select Timestamp to view the present data with date and time.
  • Select Analysis Enabled if user wants to analyze the data retrieved from the data source.
  • Click Next.
Figure 115. Figure 116 - Create Data Source – Change Request (cont.)
  • On the Fetch Data Configuration tab, type in the details as per the environment.
  • In the Connection Details section, enter the following details:
  • URL – Type the URL which contains the placeholders that display the parameters based on the applied clause such as the number of records to be fetched, query type, date on which the data is fetched, and the order by and so on. It is dependent on the URL or API provided by the tool.
  • Sample URL - change_request?sysparm_fields=#Columns#&sysparm_query=active=true^ sys_updated_on >=#StartDate#^ sys_updated_on <=#EndDate#^ORDERBYsys_updated_on
  • Authentication Type – Select one of the Authentication Types from Basic / Windows, JWT, OAuth 2.0
  • Selection of Basic / Windows requires you to enter -
  • User Id
  • Password
  • Selection of JWT / OAuth 2.0 requires you to enter -
  • User Id
  • Password
  • Authentication URL
  • Request Body – Select the request method as GET, POST or PUT as per the configured URL.
  • Proxy Required – Check Proxy Required, if the environment needs access to content from data sources outside the firewall.
  • Click on Test Connection to check accessibility of URL from service. Testing the connection is not mandatory, you can still create Data source.
Figure 116. Figure 117 – Create Data Source – Change Request (Connection Details)
Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated
  • Password  For password, click on icon next to it. If the password is available in plaintext, then select Input type as Input Text and enter the password in Value field. Else if it is available in any Key Vault such as CyberArk then select Input Type as CyberArk and then select any of the configured details from the value field.
Figure 117. Figure 118  Password in plaintext
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
Figure 118. Figure 119  Password from Key Vault (CyberArk)
Graphical user interface Description automatically generated
  • Request Authentication Parameters – If the user has additional parameters, click Add Authentication Parameters under the Request Authentication Parameters tab.
  • Based on the Authentication Type, add the parameters mentioned in the below table.

Table 21– Sample Authentication Parameters– Change Request

Authentication Type Key Value Is Encrypted? Is Key?
JWT username <username> NO YES
JWT password <password> YES YES
JWT TokenKey access_token NO NO
JWT ResponseType TEXT NO NO
OAuth2.0 username <username NO YES
OAuth2.0 password <password> YES YES
OAuth2.0 AuthMethod POST NO NO
OAuth2.0 AuthPrefix Bearer NO NO
OAuth2.0 client_id <clientID> YES YES
OAuth2.0 client_secret <clientsrcret> YES YES
OAuth2.0 TokenKey access_token NO NO
OAuth2.0 ResponseType JSON NO NO
OAuth2.0 grant_type Password NO YES
Figure 119. Figure 120 – Create Data Source – Change Request (Request Authentication Parameters for JWT)
Figure 120. Figure 121 – Change Request (Request Authentication Parameters for OAuth2.0)
  • URL Path Parameters – Based on the URL entered earlier, please map the values to the URL Path Parameters. E.g., for the URL entered earlier, please populate the below inputs:

Key: #Columns#

ValueType: Text


number, approval,sys_updated_on,sys_created_on,short_description, description,state,due_date, change_request,sys_id,assignment_group,priority

Note – These columns are mandatory. User can add more columns if more data is required to be fetched from ITSM tool.

Key: #StartDate#

ValueType: SQL UDF

VALUE: @@GetFromDateTimeUsingIChangeRequestModifiedDate

Key: #EndDate#

ValueType: SQL UDF

VALUE: @@GetToolCurrentDateTime

Figure 121. Figure 122 – URL Parameters (Change Request)
  • Request Header Parameters – Please enter the request header parameters as required.
  • Request Body - Enter the request body in JSON format as per the configured URL, if applicable.
  • Response Body – In this section, please enter the output of URL query for one of the incidents in JSON format. A sample response is mentioned below.

Response Body –

{ "result": {"sys_updated_on": "2018-03-18 13:59:04","number": "CHG556563","approval":"approved","priority":"4","sys_created_on": "2018-03-18 13:59:02","state": "1", "short_description": "Implementation Task", "description": "Please initiate the Implementation process.","sys_id": "d612a2a34ff85b40b2627d918110c7ef","expected_start": "2018-03-19 13:58:31",

"change_request": {"link": "","value": "c6c12e634ff85b40b2627d918110c724" },


"link": "",

"value": "73be6572db1bdf00ce29b6bffe96193d"



  • After entering the response, click Extract Keys to add the parameters in the Mandatory Parameter Mapping section.
  • Mandatory Parameter Mapping – Please map the mandatory parameters to the respective values as mentioned in the screenshot below:
Table 20. Table 22– Sample Mandatory Mapping Parameters– Change Request
Key Value Type Value
TicketNumber JSON.Keys result.number
Summary JSON.Keys result.short_description
Description JSON.Keys result.description
StatusCode JSON.Keys result.state
LastModifiedDate JSON.Keys result.sys_updated_on
TicketToolUID JSON.Keys result.sys_id
Figure 122. Figure 123 – Mandatory Parameter Mapping (Change Request)
  • If you need to add Optional parameters, click Add Response Parameter to add more parameters. For our purpose, we will be adding a couple of extra parameters, as mentioned below, as we need them in the later section.
Table 21. Table 23 – Sample Optional Mapping Parameters– Change Request
Key Value Type Value
AssignedGroup JSON.Keys result.assignment_group.value
Col1 JSON.Keys result.sys_id
Figure 123. Figure 124 – Optional Parameter Mapping (Change Request)
  • Click Submit to add the data source.

Create Data Source for Change Request Task

To create a data source for Change Request Task Management, perform the following steps:

  • On the main menu bar, click Actions TabManage Data Sources.
  • The Create Data Source page appears with the following tabs:
  • Organization
  • Data Source
  • Fetch Data Configuration
  • Release Rules Configuration
Figure 124. Figure 125 - Create Data Source – Change Request Task

Release Rules Configuration is only applicable for the following Module types- Incident Management, Change Request Task and Service Request Task. This tab will not be activated for other module types.

  • On the Organization tab,
  • Select the Organization Name from the dropdown.
  • In the Module field, select ‘Change Request Task’, since we are configuring this data source for pulling the change requests.
  • In the Service field, select ‘Service Now Tool’ as we are configuring the data source for ServiceNow.
  • In the Integration Type field, select REST, since we will be integrating through REST APIs.
  • Click Next.
Figure 125. Figure 126 - Create Data Source – Change Request Task (cont.)
  • On the Data Source tab,
  • Type the new data source in the Name field.
  • Select the Timezone to specify the time zone of the selected data source.
  • Select Timestamp to view the present data with date and time.
  • Select Analysis Enabled? if user wants to analyze the data retrieved from the data source.
  • Click Next.
Figure 126. Figure 127 - Create Data Source – Change Request Task (cont.)
  • On the Fetch Data Configuration tab, type in the details as per the environment.
  • In the Connection Details section, enter the following details:
  • URL – Type the URL which contains the placeholders that display the parameters based on the applied clause such as the number of records to be fetched, query type, date on which the data is fetched, and the order by and so on. It is dependent on the URL or API provided by the tool.
  • Sample URL - https://<URL>^ sys_updated_on >=#StartDate#^ sys_updated_on <=#EndDate#^ORDERBYsys_updated_on
  • Authentication Type – Select one of the Authentication Types from Basic / Windows, JWT, OAuth 2.0
  • Selection of Basic / Windows requires you to enter -
  • User Id
  • Password
  • Selection of JWT / OAuth 2.0 requires you to enter -
  • User Id
  • Password
  • Authentication URL
  • Proxy Required – Check Proxy Required, if the environment needs access to content from data sources outside the firewall.
  • Click on Test Connection to check accessibility of URL from service. Testing the connection is not mandatory, you can still create Data source.
Figure 127. Figure 128 – Create Data Source – Change Request Task (Connection Details)
Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated
  • Password  For password, click on icon next to it. If the password is available in plaintext, then select Input type as Input Text and enter the password in Value field. Else if it is available in any Key Vault such as CyberArk then select Input Type as CyberArk and then select any of the configured details from the value field.
Figure 128. Figure 129  Password in plaintext
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
Figure 129. Figure 130  Password from Key Vault (CyberArk)
Graphical user interface Description automatically generated
  • Request Authentication Parameters – If the user has additional parameters, click Add Authentication Parameters under the Request Authentication Parameters tab.
  • Based on the Authentication Type, add the parameters mentioned in the below table.
Table 22. Table 24– Sample Authentication Parameters– Change Request Task
Authentication Type Key Value Is Encrypted? Is Key?
JWT username <username> NO YES
JWT password <password> YES YES
JWT TokenKey access_token NO NO
JWT ResponseType TEXT NO NO
OAuth2.0 username <username NO YES
OAuth2.0 password <password> YES YES
OAuth2.0 AuthMethod POST NO NO
OAuth2.0 AuthPrefix Bearer NO NO
OAuth2.0 client_id <clientID> YES YES
OAuth2.0 client_secret <clientsrcret> YES YES
OAuth2.0 TokenKey access_token NO NO
OAuth2.0 ResponseType JSON NO NO
OAuth2.0 grant_type Password NO YES
Figure 130. Figure 131 – Request Authentication Parameters for JWT
Figure 131. Figure 132 – Change Request Task (Request Authentication Parameters for OAuth2.0)
  • URL Path Parameters – Based on the URL entered earlier, please map the values to the URL Path Parameters. E.g., for the URL entered earlier, please populate the below inputs:

Key: #Columns#

ValueType: Text


number, short_description, description, state, change_request, sys_updated_on, sys_created_on

Note – These columns are mandatory. User can add more columns if more data is required to be fetched from ITSM tool.

Key: #StartDate#

ValueType: SQL UDF

VALUE: @@GetFromDateTimeUsingIChangeTaskModifiedDate

Key: #EndDate#

ValueType: SQL UDF

VALUE: @@GetToolCurrentDateTime

Figure 132. Figure 133 – URL Parameters (Change Request Task)
  • Request Header Parameters – Please enter the request header parameters as required.
  • Response Body – In this section, please enter the output of URL query for one of the incidents in JSON format. A sample response is mentioned below:

Response Body –


"result": {"sys_updated_on": "2018-03-18 13:59:04","number": "CTASK0039760","sys_created_on":

2018-03-18 13:59:02","state": "1", "short_description": "Implementation Task", "description": "Please initiate the Implementation process.","sys_id": "d612a2a34ff85b40b2627d918110c7ef”,

"change_request": {"link": "","value": "c6c12e634ff85b40b2627d918110c724" } }


  • After entering the response, click Extract Keys to add the parameters in the Mandatory Parameter Mapping section.
  • Mandatory Parameter Mapping – Please map the mandatory parameters to the respective values as mentioned in the screenshot below.
Table 23. Table 25– Sample Mandatory Mapping Parameters– Change Request Task
Key Value Type Value
TicketNumber JSON.Keys result.number
Summary JSON.Keys result.short_description
Description JSON.Keys result.description
StatusCode JSON.Keys result.state
LastModifiedDate JSON.Keys result.sys_updated_on
ChangeId JSON.Keys result.change_request.value
CreationDate JSON.Keys result.sys_created_on
Figure 133. Figure 134 – Mandatory Parameter Mapping (Change Request Task)
  • If you need to add Optional parameters, click Add Response Parameter to add more parameters. For our purpose, we will be adding a couple of extra parameters, as mentioned below, as we need them in the later section.
Table 24. Table 26 – Sample Optional Mapping Parameters– Change Request Task
Key Value Type Value
Col1 JSON.Keys result.sys_id
Figure 134. Figure 135 – Optional Parameter Mapping (Change Request Task)
  • Click Next to proceed to Release Rules Configuration.
  • On Release Rules Configuration tab, type in the details as per the requirement.
  • In the Connection Details section, enter the following details:
  • URL – Type the URL of the selected service type to release the ticket. It contains the placeholders that display the parameters based on the applied clause and is dependent on the URL or API provided by the tool.
  • Sample URL - https://<url>
  • Authentication Type – Please enter the information in line with the Authentication type configured for fetching data configuration previously.
  • Request Method – Select Request Method as PUT from the drop-down.
  • Proxy Required – Check Proxy Required, if the environment needs access to content from data sources outside the firewall.
  • Click on Test Connection to check accessibility of URL from service. Testing the connection is not mandatory, you can still create Data source.
Figure 135. Figure 136 – Release Rules Configuration – Change Request Task (Connection Details)
Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated
  • Password  For password, click on icon next to it. If the password is available in plaintext then select Input type as Input Text and enter the password in Value field. Else if it is available in any Key Vault such as CyberArk then select Input Type as CyberArk and then select any of the configured details from the value field.
Figure 136. Figure 137  Password in plaintext
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
Figure 137. Figure 138  Password from Key Vault (CyberArk)
Graphical user interface Description automatically generated
  • URL Path Parameters – Based on the URL entered earlier, please map the values to the URL Path Parameters. E.g., for the URL entered earlier, please populate the below inputs:

Key: #incident#

ValueType: Table Columns


Select from dropdown that mapped to sys_id from previous screen “Col2

Figure 138. Figure 139 – Release Rules Configuration – Change Request Task (URL Path Parameters)
  • Request Header Parameters – Please enter the request header parameters as required.
  • Request Body – In this section, please enter the request body in JSON format. A sample request is mentioned below:

Request Body –

{ "assignment_group" : "#AssignmentGroup#","work_notes" : "#work_notes#" }

Figure 139. Figure 140 – Release Rules Configuration – Change Request Task (Request Body)
  • Response Body – In this section, please enter the response body in JSON format. A sample response is mentioned below.

Response Body –

{ "result" : "#success#" }

Figure 140. Figure 141 – Release Rules Configuration – Change Request Task (Response Body)
  • Response Key Value mapping can be done as per the below table.
Table 25. Table 27– Sample Response Key Value Mapping Parameters– Change Request Task
#success# Text OK
  • Click Submit to add the data source.
  • In order to bring the tickets within BigFix Runbook AI scope, a specific queue needs to be configured in the ITSM tool and same has to be configured in BigFix Runbook AI. This is achieved through Manage Entry Criteria. Please perform the below steps:
  • Go to Actions Tab and click Manage Data Sources.
  • On the Data Sources tab, click next to the data source user wants to manage. Manage Entry Criteria screen appears.
Figure 141. Figure 142 – Manage Entry Criteria (Change Request Task)
  • Select ‘AssignedGroup’ for the Column field and ‘equals to’ for the Operator field.
  • Enter the sys_id of the assignment group in ServiceNow in the Value field.
  • Clause and Sub-Clause fields can also be added based on requirement.
Figure 142. Figure 143 – Manage Entry Criteria – Change Request Task (cont.)
  • Click Save.

Configuration of additional parameters for Recommendation and Parsing

To use the field values of Change Request for the purpose of Recommendation and Parsing by BigFix Runbook AI services, they need to be mapped to Change Request Task.

To do so, perform the following steps -

  • On the main menu bar, click Advance Configuration  Parameter  Manage Column.
Figure 143. Figure 144 – Map fields of Change Request to Change Request Task
  • Select Organization Name from dropdown. Select ‘Change Request Task’ as the Module.
Figure 144. Figure 145 – Map fields of Change Request to Change Request Task (cont.)

Note - Summary, Description, RunbookToolTenantID, ModuleType are the default entries.

  • Select ‘iChangeRequest’ in Table dropdown.
  • Select the column of Change Request which has to be mapped to Change Request in the Column dropdown. In this case, we are selecting ‘priority’.
  • Check the fields Use For Parsing and select ‘Base’ for Use For Recommendation field.
Figure 145. Figure 146 – Map fields of Change Request to Change Request Task (cont.)
  • Click Save. The page lists one additional entry i.e. ‘priority’, as depicted below.
Figure 146. Figure 147 – Map fields of Change Request to Change Request Task (cont.)
  • For Recommendation, above steps are sufficient. But for Parsing, additional steps are required to be performed.
  • On the main menu bar, click Environment.
  • Click Configure Parameter Type. By default, there are several entries already defined.
Figure 147. Figure 148 – Map fields of Change Request to Change Request Task (cont.)
  • Click Add New.
Figure 148. Figure 149 – Map fields of Change Request to Change Request Task (cont.)
  • Type Parameter Type, for e.g. Priority
  • Select ‘Equal Search’ as Parse By.
  • Select ‘Description’ as Default Field Name.
  • Click Submit.
Figure 149. Figure 150 – Map fields of Change Request to Change Request Task (cont.)
  • Next step is to map this Parameter Type ‘Category’, to the one that was created via Manage Columns in earlier step by the name priority. To do that, perform the following steps:
  • On the main menu bar, click Organization.
  • Click Manage Parameter Configuration.
Figure 150. Figure 151 – Map fields of Change Request to Change Request Task (cont.)
  • Selection Organization. Select ‘Change Request Task’ as the Data Source.
  • Select the newly created parameter ‘Priority’ from Parameter Type dropdown.
  • From the Field dropdown, select ‘priority’, the parameter that has been mapped via Manage Columns.
Figure 151. Figure 152 – Map fields of Change Request to Change Request Task (cont.)
  • Click Save.
  • To verify whether this parameter is successfully parsed or not, perform the following steps:
  • On the main menu bar, click Runbooks.
  • Click Manage Runbooks.
  • Select the Runbook Tool mapped with the organization.
Figure 152. Figure 153 – Map fields of Change Request to Change Request Task (cont.)
  • The parameter, Priority, which was created in earlier steps, has to be added as one of the parameters to the existing runbook. You can also create a new runbook with Priority as one of the parameters.
  • Click the Edit icon to edit the runbook.
  • In the Parameters section, add a new parameter with any relevant Parameter Name, Parameter Label, Parameter Description, Default Parameter Value. Ensure that Parameter Type is selected as Priority.
Figure 153. Figure 154 – Map fields of Change Request to Change Request Task (cont.)
  • Add the parameter and click Update.
  • Ensure that the runbook in which the parameter is added is mapped with the organization.
  • Next step is to build the Recommendation model and to do that perform the following steps:
  • On the main menu bar, click Actions TabRunbooks.
  • Click Build Model.
  • ReBuild / Re-build the model for the Organization under Change Request Task module for the mapped runbook tool.
Figure 154. Figure 155 – Map fields of Change Request to Change Request Task (cont.)
  • Run the entire flow and see if the runbook recommended for the ticket in which the parameter was added has the parameter Priority with its expected value.
Figure 155. Figure 156 – Map fields of Change Request to Change Request Task (cont.)