Linux Server Management

This document provides a list of Linux server management tasks, including file system backup, swap space management, package installation, user management, and system configuration.

Backup of File System

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Backup_Filesystem
Description Backup a Filesystem in gz format mounted on and store backup file in destination path.

Backup of File System using Rsync

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Backup_Filesystem_Using_Rsync
Description Create a backup of Filesystem using rsync mounted on and store the backup file in the path.

Backup of File System using Tar

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Backup_Filesystem_Using_Tar
Description Create a backup of Filesystem in tar format mounted on and store the backup file in the path in tar format.

Extend Swap Space for Swap file

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Change_Swap_Space
  • Extends the swap space for the swapfile in the Linux server.

Check NFS Port Status

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Check_NFS_Port
Description Checks whether the NFS port is open or not. Also checks the NFS port for accessibility.

Check RPM Package Information

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Check_RPM_Package_Info
Description Checks if the RPM package is installed and fetches its information. Also checks RPM installation status.

Clear Swap Space for Swap file

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Clear_Swap_Space
Description Creates a swap file to create a swap in the Linux server.

Create the Swap Space

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Create_Swap_Space
Description Extends the swap space for the swapfile in the Linux server.

Create User

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Create_User
  • Creates a user on the Linux server.

Disable SELinux

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Disable_Selinux
Description Runs the command setenforce 0 to disable the Selinux.

Disk Cleanup

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Disk_Cleanup
Description Frees disk space on the Linux server.

Firewall Port Security Compliance

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Firewall_Port_Security_Compliance
Description This installs port security on Linux server. Port Security is compliance configured on firewall.

CPU Utilization

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_High_CPU_Utilization
Description Prints the CPU utilization and finds high CPU utilization on server. Kills processes to reduce usage.

Memory Utilization

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_High_Memory_Utilization
Description Checks memory (RAM) usage on the Linux server and finds high memory usage on the server.

Install Cloud Watch Agent

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Install_Cloud_Watch_Agent
Description Installs cloudwatch package. Enables and starts Amazon Cloudwatch Agent.

Install Package

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Install_Package
Description Install RPM package. Configure RPM package.

Install Postfix

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Install_Postfix
Description Install Postfix to route and deliver email on a Linux system.

Logical Volume Creation

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Logical_Volume_Creation
Description Adds a new Logical volume to the server.

Mount NFS Server

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Mount_NFS_Server
Description Checks whether the NFS mount point is mounted or not. Also checks NFS mount status.

Passwordless Authentication

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Passwordless_Authentication
Description Configuring this enables passwordlesss authentication on Linux server.

Process List of User

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Process_List_Of_User
Description Lists the processes of the user on the machine.

Remove User

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Remove_User
Description Enables removal or deletion of existing user.

Service Restart

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Service_Restart
Description Restarts the specified services on Linux server if available.

Set Hardening Parameters

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Set_Hardening_Parameters
Description Sets the checklist during risk assessments as part of the process to verify that servers are secure i.e. sets hardening parameters on the Linux server.

Set Hostname

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Set_Hostname
Description Allows setting or changing the hostname.

Set Sudo Permissions

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Set_Sudo_Permissions
Description Sets root sudo permissions.

Setup ResolvConf

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Setup_ResolvConf
Description Sets up resolver configuration file for Linux systems to configure DNS name servers.

Show Shadow User Info

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Show_Shadow_User_Info
Description Displays the shadow user information on a specified Linux server.

SSM Agent

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_SSM_Agent
Description SSM Agent sends status and execution information back to the Systems Manager service by using the Amazon Message Delivery Service.

Users with Admin Access

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Users_With_Admin_Access
Description Fetches the list of all the users having admin privileges.

Zombie Process

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Zombie_Process
Description Lists the count of zombie process in linux server.

Extend Logical Volume

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Logical_Volume_Extend
Description Extends the Logical volume by adding space to it. Can also resize the Logical volume.

Remove Logical Volume

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Logical_Volume_Remove
Description Removes Logical volume from the server.


Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Process_Count_Per_User
Description Counts processes run by each user and gives a count.

Delete Group

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Group_Delete
Description Allows for deletion of existing groups in Linux server.

Check Package Installed

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Check_Package_Installed
Description Validates if the software is already installed or not. Checks installed software status.

Remove Softlink

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Remove_Softlink
Description Allows for removal or deletion of existing softlinks.

Account Expiry Change

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Account_Expiry_Change
Description Changes the expiry date of the user. Also edits the expiry date of user.

Change HomeDirectory User

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Change_HomeDirectory_User
Description Changes the home directory for the user in the Linux server.

Create Softlink

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Create_Softlink
Description Creates a symbolic link (also known as a softlink or symlink) consisting of a special type of file that serves as a reference to another file or directory.

List BlockedIP

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_List_BlockedIP
Description Finds/Checks Banned (Denied) IP addresses.

Set File Permission

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Set_File_Permission
Description Changes permissions of files or directories.

VolGrp LogVol FileSystem

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_VolGrp_LogVol_FileSystem
Description Fetches the list of all volume groups and logical volumes. Gets all logical volumes groups.

Modify Filesystem

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Modify_Filesystem
Description Modifies the format of the partition. Also modifies the format of filesystem.

Creation of Filesystem

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Filesystem_Creation
Description Adds filesystem to the target server. Mounts and enables filesystem to the target server.

Deletion of Filesystem

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Filesystem_Deletion
Description This removes the filesystem from the Linux OS. Filesystem removal from linux OS.

Add Entry Sudoers

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Add_Entry_Sudoers
Description Provides access to users into the sudoers file. Gives access to users in sudoers file.

Change Attribute Dir

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Change_Attribute_Dir
Description Changes file attributes to Linux. Attribute directory needs to be changed.

Delete Entry Sudoers

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Delete_Entry_Sudoers
Description Deletes user entry and its parameters from /etc/sudoers file.

Create Archive

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Create_Archive
Description Creates the archive for the file.

Linux Cronjob Add

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Linux_Cronjob_Add
Description Schedules cron job/task/script at a specific time.