Database Management

This document provides a list of database management tasks for various database systems including SQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. The tasks include checking database status, taking backups, modifying database parameters, creating and dropping databases, and granting permissions to users.

Check DB FreeSpace

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • SQL_Check_DB_FreeSpace
Description Checks for available free space in the database.

Check DB Status

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • SQL_Check_DB_Status
Description Checks the status of the database. Requires Get DB status.

DB Backup

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • SQL_DB_Backup
Description Takes the backup of the database.

Modify Log File Size for DB

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • SQL_DB_Backup
Description Changes the maximum size of log file for a particular database.

Detach DB

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • SQL_Detach_DB
Description Detaches a specified database.

Drop Clean buffer PNP

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • SQL_Drop_Clean_buffer_PNP
Description Cleans buffer of specified database.

Drop DB

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • SQL_Drop_DB
Description Drops a specified database.

Services Start

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • SQL_Services_Start
Description Checks the status of the service in Database. If the service is running, it will restart the service else it will start the service.

Shrink DB

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • SQL_Shrink_DB
Description Shrinks a specified database.

DB Growth PNP

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • SQL_DB_Growth_PNP
Description Displays the growth of Database. Database growth is PNP monitored.

Check Server Connectivity

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • SQL_Check_Server_Connectivity
Description Checks SQL Server connectivity.

DB Log File Growth Rate

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • SQL_DB_Log_File_Growth_Rate
Description Gives the report of database log file growth rate of all the databases in SQL instance. Monitors growth rate of log file.

MSSQL Add Database To Availabilty Group

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Add_Database_To_Availabilty_Group
Description Adds a database to an availability group in MSSQL Server.

MSSQL Backup Transaction Log

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Backup_Transaction_Log
Description Performs a transaction log backup of a MS SQL instance

MSSQL Change DB Recovery Model

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Change_DB_Recovery_Model
Description Updates/modifies the recovery model for a given MS SQL instance

MSSQL Check DB Integrity

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Check_DB_Integrity
Description Performs a database integrity check against a specified database on a given MS SQL instance

MSSQL Check Instance

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Check_Instance
Description Displays the MS SQL Server instance version

MSSQL Check Service Status

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Check_Service_Status
Description Checks and validates the status of the MS SQL Service

MSSQL Create Database

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Create_Database
Description Creates a new database in the MS SQL Server

MSSQL Create Login

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Create_Login
Description Creates new SQL login for a given user and the password is sent to their email ID. The user is granted access on the master database.

MSSQL Disable All DB Constraints

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Disable_All_DB_Constraints
Description Disables all constraints for a specified database residing on a given MS SQL server instance

MSSQL Display Database Performance

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Display_Database_Performance
Description Displays the performance of all the databases

MSSQL Enable All DB Constraints

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Enable_All_DB_Constraints
Description Enables all the constraints for a specified database residing on a given MS SQL server instance

MSSQL Enable Deadlock Tracing

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Enable_Deadlock_Tracing
Description Activates and enables deadlock tracing on MS SQL Server

MSSQL Fetch DB IOPs Consumption

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Fetch_DB_IOPs_Consumption
Description Retrieves and displays input-output consumption of all databases residing on a given MS SQL Server

MSSQL Grant BulkAdmin To Login

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Grant_BulkAdmin_To_Login
Description Grants bulk admin role to a given user on a MS SQL instance

MSSQL Grant Login Roles

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Grant_Login_Roles
Description Grants multiple roles to a given user. Role names need to be provided in a comma separated format

MSSQL Grant Read Write Permissions

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Grant_Read_Write_Permissions
Description Provides read and write permissions to a given MS SQL user

MSSQL Index Management

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Index_Management
Description Automatically analyzes and defragments indexes for index management of databases. Also rebuilds/reorganizes all indexes of the table.

MSSQL Latest Backup Check

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Latest_Backup_Check
Description Checks for and displays last backup taken for given or all MS SQL servers

MSSQL Modify Compatibility Level

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Modify_Compatibility_Level
Description Updates and modifies the compatibility number for the given MS SQL databases

MSSQL Monitor SQL Service Send Mail If Down

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Monitor_SQL_Service_Send_Mail_If_Down
Description Allows for monitoring of MS SQL services and will send a mail if any of the services are found to not be working

MSSQL Remove Databases From Availabilty Group

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Remove_Databases_From_Availability_Group
Description Removes/deletes a database from an availability group in MS SQL


Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_START_STOP_Service_Agent
Description Enables or disables MS SQL Services on the host server

MSSQL Update Statistics

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Update_Statistics
Description Runs and executes a query to update the statistics for a given table or schema of a database

MSSQL Validate Backup File

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • MSSQL_Validate_Backup_File
Description Checks and validates the presence of a backup file for a given location on the MS SQL server

Oracle Add Members To Redo Log Group

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Add_Members_To_Redo_Log_Group
Description Adds members to redo log groups in the Oracle Database.

Oracle Add Parameters In ParamFile

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Add_Paramaters_In_ParamFile
Description Adds new parameters in the param file of the Oracle Database

Oracle Alter Profile

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Alter_Profile
Description Changes the value of a specified resource of a given profile in the Oracle Database

Oracle Assign Profile To User

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Assign_Profile_To_User
Description Assigns a specified profile to a given user in Oracle

Oracle Audit Data

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Audit_Data
Description Generates an audit data report in Oracle

Oracle Change Database Name

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Change_Database_Name
Description Changes/modifies the database name in Oracle.

Oracle Check Backup Status

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Check_Backup_Status
Description Checks the status of the back up of any given database in Oracle

Oracle Check Blocking Sessions

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Check_Blocking_Sessions
Description Lists details of any blocking sessions, if any, in Oracle.

Oracle Check Database Performance

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Check_Database_Performance
Description Checks and displays the Oracle Database performance in terms of CPU usage, memory usage, and wait events along with the status of the specified database

Oracle Check Database Status

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Check_Database_Status
Description Checks and displays the Oracle database mode/status

Oracle Check If Process Crossed Threshold

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Check_If_Process_Crossed_Threshold
Description Checks and displays any processes that are utilising more of the CPU than the defined threshold.

Oracle Check Listener Status

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Check_Listener_Status
Description Validates and displays Oracle listener status

Oracle Compile Invalid Function

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Compile_Invalid_Function
Description Compiles and lists all the invalid functions in a specified Oracle instance

Oracle Compile Invalid Procedure

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Compile_Invalid_Procedure
Description Compiles and lists all the invalid procedures in a specified Oracle instance

Oracle Create Common Role

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Common_Role
Description Creates a common role inside a given container database of Oracle. It will also grant session access to the newly created role

Oracle Create Common User

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Common_User
Description Creates a user on a specified container database in an Oracle instance. Also gives an option to create the user either for all the containers or for the current one.

Oracle Create Container Database

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Container_Database
Description Creates a new container database in Oracle

Oracle Create Database

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Database
Description Creates a new database in Oracle

Oracle Create Database Link

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Database_Link
Description Creates a database link for a given user and database in Oracle

Oracle Create Datafile

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Datafile
Description Creates a new datafile in Oracle

Oracle Create Directory

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Directory
Description Creates a new directory for a database in Oracle

Oracle Create Guarantee Restore Point

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Guaranatee_Restore_Point
Description Creates a restore point for a database in Oracle

Oracle Create Index

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Index
Description Creates a new index in Oracle

Oracle Create Listener

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Listener
Description Creates a new listener in Oracle

Oracle Create Local Role

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Local_Role
Description Creates a new local role inside a specified pluggable database/container of the container database in Oracle

Oracle Create Local User On PDB

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Local_User_On_PDB
Description Creates a local user on a specified pluggable database. Requires the name of the pluggable database in Oracle to create the new user on that pluggable database in Oracle

Oracle Create Mview

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Mview
Description Creates a materialised view in Oracle

Oracle Create Password File

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Password_File
Description Creates a backup of an existing file and then creates a password file in Oracle

Oracle Create pfile

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_pfile
Description Creates a pfile on an Oracle database instance

Oracle Create Pluggable Database

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Pluggable Database
Description Creates a new pluggable database in an Oracle Server

Oracle Create Profile

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Profile
Description Creates a new profile with a specified name in an Oracle Database

Oracle Create Redo Log Group

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Redo_Log_Group
Description Creates a new Redo log group on an Oracle Database

Oracle Create Refresh MatView

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Refresh_MatView
Description Creates and refreshes a materialised view in Oracle

Oracle Create Role

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Role
Description Creates a new role in an Oracle Database

Oracle Create spfile

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_spfile
Description Creates a new spfile on an Oracle database instance

Oracle Create Temp Tablespace

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Temp_Tablespace
Description Creates a new temporary tablespace of a given name and specified size in an Oracle Database

Oracle Create TNS Entry

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_TNS_Entry
Description Creates a new TNS Entry in an Oracle server

Oracle Create Undo Tablespace

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Create_Undo_Tablespace
Description Creates a new undo tablespace of a given name and of specific size in an Oracle Database. Also inserts a new datafile in the database

Oracle Datafile Addition Temp Tablespace

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Datafile_Addition_Temp_Tablespace
Description Adds a datafile to a tablespace in an Oracle Database

Oracle Datafile Move Diff Location

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Datafile_Move_Diff_Location
Description Moves a datafile to a difference location in an Oracle Database

Oracle Datafile Resize

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Datafile_Resize
Description Resizes a given datafile in Oracle

Oracle Disable Flashback

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Disable_Flashback
Description Disables flashbacks for a given database in Oracle

Oracle Drop Database

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Drop_Database
Description Drops/deletes a given database from the Oracle instance

Oracle Drop Database Link

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Drop_Database_Link
Description Drops/deletes a given database link from the Oracle instance

Oracle Drop Datafile Temp Tablespace

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Drop_Datafile_Temp_Tablespace
Description Drops/deletes a given datafile temporary tablespace from the Oracle instance

Oracle Drop Directory

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Drop_Directory
Description Drops/deletes a given directory from the Oracle instance

Oracle Drop Index

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Drop_Index
Description Drops/deletes a specified index from the Oracle database instance

Oracle Drop Member From Redo Log Group

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Drop_Member_From_Redo_Log_Group
Description Drops/deletes a specified member of a given log group identified by number in an Oracle Database

Oracle Drop Mview

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Drop_Mview
Description Drops/deletes a given materialized view from the Oracle instance

Oracle Drop PDB

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Drop_Database
Description Drops/deletes a given pluggable database from the Oracle instance

Oracle Drop Profile

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Drop_Profile
Description Drops/deletes a given profile from the Oracle instance

Oracle Drop Redo Log Group

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Drop_Redo_Log_Group
Description Drops/deletes a given Redo log group from the Oracle instance

Oracle Drop Restorepoint

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Drop_Restorepoint
Description Drops/deletes a given restore point from the Oracle instance

Oracle Drop Role

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Drop_Role
Description Drops/deletes a given role from the Oracle instance

Oracle Drop Tablespace

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Drop_Tablespace
Description Drops/deletes a specified tablespace from the Oracle instance

Oracle Enable Archivelog Mode

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Enable_Archivelog_Mode
Description Enables archive log on an Oracle instance

Oracle Enable Flashback

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Enable_Flashback
Description Enables flashback for a specified database in Oracle

Oracle Export Fulldatabase

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Export_Fulldatabase
Description Exports a full database from the Oracle instance

Oracle Export Schema

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Export_Schema
Description Exports schema on an Oracle instance

Oracle Export Table

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Export_Table
Description Exports a specified list of tables to a given directory from the Oracle distance instance

Oracle Gather Stats

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Gather_Stats
Description Gathers statistics for an Oracle Database

Oracle Generate ADDM Report

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Generate_ADDM_Report
Description Creates an ADDM report in Oracle

Oracle Generate AWR Report

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Generate_AWR_Report
Description Creates an AWR report in Oracle in HTML format

Oracle Grant Permission To User On Table

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Grant_Permission_To_User_On_Table
Description Gives mentioned permissions for a table to a user in Oracle

Oracle Grant System Permission

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Gather_Stats
Description Grants mentioned permissions to a given user for a system in Oracle.

Oracle Home Cleanup

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Home_Cleanup
Description Performs clean up on a home directory by removing log and trace files older than one week in Oracle

Oracle Import Table

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Import_Table
Description Imports a specified comma separated list of tables from the given DBF file and on a given Directory of Oracle database

Oracle Increase FRA Size

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Increase_FRA_Size
Description Modifies or increases the FRA file size in an Oracle database

Oracle Kill User Session

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Kill_User_Session
Description Kills a particular session of an Oracle user or all the inactive sessions of a given user

Oracle List Top CPU Utilizing Process

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_List_Top_CPU_Utilizing_Process
Description Lists the top CPU utilizing processes of Oracle

Oracle List Top Memory Utilizing Process

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_List_Top_Memory_Utilizing_Process
Description Lists the top memory utilizing processes of Oracle

Oracle List Top Wait Events

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_List_Top_Wait_Events
Description Lists the top wait events of Oracle

Oracle Lock User

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_List_Top_CPU_Utilizing_Process
Description Locks/blocks a given Oracle User

Oracle Memory Advisor

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Memory_Advisor
Description When executed, issues a memory advisory on whether any additional memory allocation is required for a specified database of a given Oracle instance to ensure stable operations.

Oracle Memory Hit Ratio

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Memory_Hit_Ratio
Description Fetches and displays memory hit ratio in Oracle

Oracle Monitor Open Cursor

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Monitor_Open_Cursor
Description Checks open cursor in Oracle

Oracle Move Object

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Move_Object
Description Moves an object from one tablespace to another in Oracle

Oracle Perform HealthCheck

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Perform_HealthCheck
Description Performs a health check on the Oracle server

Oracle Put In No Archive Mode

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Put_In_No_Archive_Mode
Description Disables archive mode for a given Oracle database instance

Oracle Quota On Tablespace

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Quota_On_Tablespace
Description Allocates/alters the quota on a tablespace in Oracle

Oracle Rebuild Index

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Rebuild_Index
Description Rebuilds a specific index or all indexes of a given table

Oracle Rebiuld Invalid Indexes

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Rebuild_Invalid_Indexes
Description Rebuilds all unusable/invalid indexes of a given database in Oracle

Oracle Relocate FRA File

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Relocate_FRA_File
Description Relocates the FRA file to a different location, specified by the user, in Oracle

Oracle Remove Or Modify Parameter In Paramfile

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Remove_Or_Modify_Parameter_In_Paramfile
Description Removes or modifies a specified parameter in the parameter file of Oracle

Oracle Reorganize Table

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Reorganize_Table
Description Reorganizes a specified table in Oracle by rebuilding its indexes moving it to a different tablespace if needed.

Oracle Reset Password

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Reset_Password
Description Resets the password of a given Oracle user

Oracle Restore Database From Restore Point

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Restore_Database_From_Restore_Point
Description Triggers a flashback restore that restores a specified restore point of the Oracle database

Oracle Revoke Permission From User On Table

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Revoke_Permsission_From_User_On_Table
Description Revokes a specified permission from the user against a table in Oracle

Oracle Revoke System Permission

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Revoke_System_Permission
Description Revokes a specified system permission from the user in Oracle

Oracle RMAN Backup Restore

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_RMAN_Backup_Restore
Description Restores the backup taken by the RMAN utility on the same Oracle Server

Oracle Run Adhoc Script

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Run_Adhoc_Script
Description Executes an adhoc script supplied as an attachment in the ticket

Oracle Shutdown Database

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Shutdown_Database
Description Shuts down an Oracle Database

Oracle Start CDB

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Start_CDB
Description Starts up a specified container database CDB in Oracle

Oracle Start Database

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Start_Database
Description Starts up the Oracle database using the startup command in Oracle Server

Oracle Start Listener

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Start_Listener
Description Starts the Oracle Listener

Oracle Start Pluggable Database

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Start_Pluggable_Database
Description Starts the pluggable Database in Oracle

Oracle Stop CDB

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Stop_CDB
Description Stops a specified container database CDB in Oracle

Oracle Stop Listener

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Stop_Listener
Description Stops the Oracle Listener

Oracle Stop Pluggable Database

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Stop_Pluggable_Database
Description Stops a specified pluggable database in Oracle

Oracle Take Backup Via RMAN

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Take_Backup_Via_RMAN
Description Takes the backup of a given database in Oracle using RMAN utility on a given mount point

Oracle Unlock User

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Unlock_User
Description Unlocks/activates an existing Oracle user

Oracle Unplug PDB

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Unplug_PDB
Description Unplugs and drops/deletes a Pluggable database

Oracle User Creation

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_User_Creation
Description Creates a new user in Oracle with a specified name and profile. If profile name is not provided, then the default profile is attached to the user

Oracle Utlrp Script

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • Oracle_Ultrp_Script
Description Compiles and lists all invalid objects for an Oracle Database instance.

PostGres Alter Group

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Alter_Group
Description Renames/alters group name or members in PostgreSQL

PostGres Alter PolicyName

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Alter_Group
Description Renames/alters a specified policy in PostgreSQL

PostGres Analyzer

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Analyzer
Description Executes an analysis operation against a specified object in PostgreSQL like a database, table, schema, etc.

PostGres Change Data Directory

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Change_Data_Directory
Description Changes data directory for a given PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Change Data Wal Directory

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Change_Data_Wal_Directory
Description Changes data and wal directory for a given PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Configure PEM Agent

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Configure_PEM_Agent
Description Executes the agent configuration of PostgreSQL EDB PEM Agent and then restarts the agent service

PostGres CPU Consumption By Postgres

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_CPU_Consumption_By_Postgres
Description Checks the CPU usage by PostgreSQL processes on the host server

PostGres Create DB

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Create_DB
Description Creates a new database on a given PostgreSQL instance with the name specified by the user

PostGres Create Group

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Create_Group
Description Creates a new group on a given PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Create Index

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Create_Index
Description Creates a new index corresponding to a specified column of a given table for a given PostgreSQL database

PostGres Create Policy

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Create_Policy
Description Creates a new policy in PostgreSQL

PostGres Create Role

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Create_Role
Description Creates a new role on a given PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Create Schema

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Create_Schema
Description Creates a new schema on a given PostgreSQL instance and grants authority of the same to a specified user

PostGres Create Tablespace

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Create_Tablespace
Description Creates a new tablespace at a specified location on a given PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Create User With DB Access

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Create_User_With_DB_Access
Description Playbook creates a new user in the PostgreSQL instance and grants the basic privileges of DB access. A randomly generated password is also sent on mail.

PostGres Create View

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Create_View
Description Creates a view for a given table in a PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Delete Policy

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Delete_Policy
Description Deletes a given policy from the PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Drop Cluster

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Drop_Cluster
Description Drops/deletes PostgreSQL instances from a server by uninstalling Postgre packages

PostGres Drop Database

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Drop_Database
Description Drops/deletes a given database from a PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Drop Group

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Drop_Group
Description Drops/deletes a specified from a PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Drop Index

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Drop_Index
Description Drops/deletes a given index from a PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Drop Role

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Drop_Role
Description Drops/deletes a specified role from a PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Drop Schema

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Drop_Schema
Description Drops/deletes a given schema from a specified database in a PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Drop Tablespace

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Drop_Tablespace
Description Drops/deletes a given tablespace from a PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Drop User

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Drop_User
Description Drops/deletes a given user from a PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Drop View

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Drop_View
Description Drops/deletes a specified view for a given table and database from a PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Extract Bloating Report

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Extract_Bloating_Report
Description Extracts and fetches the bloating report for the PostgreSQL instance of a given database

PostGres Grant Permission To User

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Grant_Permission_To_User
Description Grants a user the specified permissions for a given schema in a PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Install EDB Bart

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Install_EDB_Bart
Description Installs and deploys the Postgres enterprise database Bart on a specified RHEL server of version-7.

PostGres Install EDB EFM Agent

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Install_EDB_EFM_Agent
Description Installs and deploys the PostgreSQL EDB EFM Agent on the RHEL 7 machine.

PostGres Install EDB PEM

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Install_EDB_Bart
Description Installs and deploys the enterprise database Postgres Enterprise Manager on a specified RHEL server of version-8 and above

PostGres Install EDB PGBouncer

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Install_EDB_PGBouncer
Description Installs and deploys EDB PGBouncer on the RHEL 7 machine

PostGres Install PEM Agent

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Install_PEM_Agent
Description Installs and deploys the Postgres Enterprise Manager agent package on a specified RHEL 7 server version only.

PostGres Install Postgres DB

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Install_Postgres_DB
Description Installs and deploys Postgres on a RHEL server.

PostGres Install Witness Server

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Install_Witness_Server
Description Installs the EFM and EDB Advanced server version 11 and EDB Advanced server client along with JDK package in order to make the specified server as a witness server when required for the primary instance of PostgreSQL cluster.

PostGres List Running Queries

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_List_Running_Queries
Description Fetches and lists on running queries in a PostgreSQL instance

PostGres Memory Consumption By Postgres

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Memory_Consumption_By_Postgres
Description Checks and validates the memory usage by PostgreSQL processes on the host server

PostGres Perform Disaster Recovery

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Perform_Disaster_Recovery
Description Will perform a disaster recovery between two nodes of a PostgreSQL Database

PostGres Perform Failover

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Perform_Failover
Description Will perform the failover from a secondary server to the primary server in PostgreSQL

PostGres Perform Physical Restore

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Perform_Physical_Restore
Description Executes physical restore on a secondary PostgreSQL server from a specified primary instance of PostgreSQL

PostGres Perform Streaming Replication

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Perform_Streaming_Replication
Description Will perform the enablement of streaming replication between two servers of the PostgreSQL database

PostGres Perform Vacuum

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Perform_Vacuum
Description Performs the vacuum operation in PostgreSQL on a given database, schema or table and a specified set of columns.

PostGres Reindex

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Reindex
Description Performs the reindexing for a table or a database in PostgreSQL

PostGres Rename View

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Rename_View
Description Renames the view for a given table in PostgreSQL

PostGres Restart Service

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Restart_Service
Description Restarts the PostgreSQL database service for version 10

PostGres Restore Full Database

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Restore_Full_Database
Description Restores a specified database from a file in PostgreSQL

PostGres Restore Shema

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Restore_Schema
Description Restores the specified schema from its backup file in a given database in PostgreSQL

PostGres Restore Table

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Restore_Table
Description Restores a specified table from its backup in a given database in PostgreSQL

PostGres Revoke Table Access

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Revoke_Table_Access
Description Revokes permissions from a user for a table access in PostgreSQL

PostGres Start EDB EFM Agent

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Start_EDB_EFM_Agent
Description Starts the EDB failover manager agent of a specified version on a given PostgreSQL server.

PostGres Start PEM Agent

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Start_PEM_Agent
Description Starts the PEM agent service on a specified PostgreSQL server.

PostGres Start Service

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Start_Service
Description Starts the PostgreSQL service on the server hosting the PostgreSQL instance.

PostGres Stop EDB EFM Agent

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Stop_EDB_EFM_Agent
Description Stops the EDB failover manager agent of a specified version on a given PostgreSQL server.

PostGres Stop PEM Agent

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Stop_PEM_Agent
Description Stops the PEM agent service on a specified PostgreSQL server.

PostGres Stop Service

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Stop_Service
Description Stops the PostgreSQL service on the server hosting the PostgreSQL instance.

PostGres Take Logical Backup

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Take_Logical_Backup
Description Carries out the logical backup against the whole PostgreSQL cluster or a specified database, or a given schema or a particular table in various modes. Performs the backup of the given resource.

PostGres Take Physical Backup

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Take_Physical_Backup
Description Takes a physical backup of the database in PostgreSQL using pg_basebackup utility

PostGres Update Config Parameter

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Update_Config_Parameter
Description Updates the value of a specified config parameter in PostgreSQL

PostGres Update HBA Config

Fixlet User Friendly Name
  • PostGres_Update_HBA_Config
Description Updates the PostgreSQL HBA config file with user, database, types etc parameter values.