Save Incident Data

Save Incident Data API allows users to save ticket details for incidents. The API URL, authentication type, and method type are specified, along with the request format and the expected values for each column. The output provides the status code, status, and result of the API call.

API version V1.0

API: SaveIncidentData
Purpose: To save the ticket details for Incidents.
API URL: http://<API URL>:<API Port>//iAutomateAPI/Request/SaveIncidentData/1
Authentication type: Basic
Method Type: Post

Request Format:



"TicketNumber": "INC0303863",

"Summary": "testing",

"sys_id": "2b535ab3dbc988506d7550d3dc96190e",

"ResolvedDate": "2019-11-18 06:24:52",

"AssignedGroup": "02cc6a39376e4f00c72b2b2943990e68",

"StatusCode": "1",

"CreationDate": "2019-11-18 06:24:52",

"Description": "testing data",

"LastModifiedDate": "2019-11-18 06:24:52",

"Col1": "",

"Col2": "",

"Col3": "",

"Col4": "",

"Col5": "",

"TimeZone": "IST",

"TimeZoneOffset": "-330",

"IsTimeZoneOrOffset": "OFFSET",

"IsEpoch": "Y",

"ModuleId": "1"



If “IsTimeZoneOrOffset”: “TIMEZONE” then it is mandatory to define the time zone in which the ticket is being created in the key “TimeZone” and “TimeZoneOffset” value can be left blank else if “IsTimeZoneOrOffset”: “OFFSET“ then it is mandatory to define the offset value in the key “TimeZoneOffset” and “TimeZone” value can be left blank else if “IsTimeZoneOrOffset” : “GMT” then no need to define the value for keys “TimeZone” and“TimeZoneOffset” and can be left blank. (Offset value is the difference of time in minutes in which the ticket is being created and GMT time.)

Column Column Type Mandatory Expected/Sample value Remarks
TicketNumber string Yes INC0303863 This field contains ticket number
Summary string Yes testing This field contains summary of ticket
sys_id string Yes 2b535ab3dbc988506d7550d3dc96190e This field contains unique number
ResolvedDate string No 2019-11-18 07:24:52 This field contains date whenever ticket gets resolved
AssignedGroup string No 123456 This field contains assignment group of ticket
StatusCode string Yes 1 This field contains status of ticket
CreationDate string Yes 2019-11-18 06:24:52 This field contains creation date of ticket
Description string Yes testing This field contains summary of ticket
LastModifiedDate string Yes 2019-11-18 07:24:52 This field contains date whenever updating happen on ticket
Col1 string No You can use it for any custom value
Col2 string No You can use it for any custom value
Col3 string No You can use it for any custom value
Col4 string No You can use it for any custom value
Col5 string No You can use it for any custom value
TimeZone string Value is Mandatory if "IsTimeZoneOrOffset":"TIMEZONE" IST It define in which format you are sending data, in use only when "IsTimeZoneOrOffset":"TIMEZONE"
TimeZoneOffset string Value is Mandatory if "IsTimeZoneOrOffset":"OFFSET” -330 It define he offset, in use only when "IsTimeZoneOrOffset":"OFFSET"
IsTimeZoneOrOffset string Yes




It define whether you want to use Timezone ,offset or GMT value
IsEpoch string Yes Y or N If date format is Epoch, set this key value as "Y" else "N"
ModuleId string Yes 1or 9 ModuleId=1 for Incident Management and ModuleId=9 for Event Management



"statusCode": 200,

"status": "Success",

"message": "Success",

"result": "df7f533b-c0cf-44a6-9e95-0f50f00dadb9"


Column Column type value Remarks
statusCode int

Success = 200,

Error = 300,

RequiredAttributeValueMissing = 400,

Unauthorized = 401,

BadRequest= 400,

InternalServerError= 500,

NotFound= 404

This field provide status code
status string Success/Fail This field provide status
message string null or message in case of not success
result string de0e3951-4c7b-40ad-b5ce-5993d770c0a9 This field provide unique number for reference

API version V2.0

API: SaveIncidentData
Purpose: To save the ticket details for Incidents.
API URL: http://<API URL>:<API Port>/v2/incident/orgentityid/1
Authentication type: Basic
Method Type: Post

Request Format:



"TicketNumber": "INC0303863",

"Summary": "testing",

"sys_id": "2b535ab3dbc988506d7550d3dc96190e",

"ResolvedDate": "2019-11-18 06:24:52",

"AssignedGroup": "02cc6a39376e4f00c72b2b2943990e68",

"StatusCode": "1",

"CreationDate": "2019-11-18 06:24:52",

"Description": "testing data",

"LastModifiedDate": "2019-11-18 06:24:52",

"Col1": "",

"Col2": "",

"Col3": "",

"Col4": "",

"Col5": "",

"TimeZone": "IST",

"TimeZoneOffset": "-330",

"IsTimeZoneOrOffset": "OFFSET",

"IsEpoch": "Y",

"ModuleId": "1"



If “IsTimeZoneOrOffset”: “TIMEZONE” then it is mandatory to define the time zone in which the ticket is being created in the key “TimeZone” and “TimeZoneOffset” value can be left blank else if “IsTimeZoneOrOffset”: “OFFSET“ then it is mandatory to define the offset value in the key “TimeZoneOffset” and “TimeZone” value can be left blank else if “IsTimeZoneOrOffset” : “GMT” then no need to define the value for keys “TimeZone” and“TimeZoneOffset” and can be left blank. (Offset value is the difference of time in minutes in which the ticket is being created and GMT time.)

Column Column Type Mandatory Expected/Sample value Remarks
TicketNumber string Yes INC0303863 This field contains ticket number
Summary string Yes testing This field contains summary of ticket
sys_id string Yes 2b535ab3dbc988506d7550d3dc96190e This field contains unique number
ResolvedDate string No 2019-11-18 07:24:52 This field contains date whenever ticket gets resolved
AssignedGroup string No 123456 This field contains assignment group of ticket
StatusCode string Yes 1 This field contains status of ticket
CreationDate string Yes 2019-11-18 06:24:52 This field contains creation date of ticket
Description string Yes testing This field contains summary of ticket
LastModifiedDate string Yes 2019-11-18 07:24:52 This field contains date whenever updating happen on ticket
Col1 string No You can use it for any custom value
Col2 string No You can use it for any custom value
Col3 string No You can use it for any custom value
Col4 string No You can use it for any custom value
Col5 string No You can use it for any custom value
TimeZone string Value is Mandatory if "IsTimeZoneOrOffset":"TIMEZONE" IST It define in which format you are sending data, in use only when "IsTimeZoneOrOffset":"TIMEZONE"
TimeZoneOffset string Value is Mandatory if "IsTimeZoneOrOffset":"OFFSET” -330 It define he offset, in use only when "IsTimeZoneOrOffset":"OFFSET"
IsTimeZoneOrOffset string Yes




It define whether you want to use Timezone ,offset or GMT value
IsEpoch string Yes Y or N If date format is Epoch, set this key value as "Y" else "N"
ModuleId string Yes 1or 9 ModuleId=1 for Incident Management and ModuleId=9 for Event Management



"Id": "5a940df1-c251-4af1-9e59-20fecd18bd7e",

"Status": "Success",

"Message": "Incident data saved successfully"


Column Column type value Remarks
Id string 5a940df1-c251-4af1-9e59-20fecd18bd7e This field provide unique number for reference
Status string Success/Fail This field provide status
Message string message Success/Fail message