Software scan return codes

If the software scan fails, an error code that indicates why the scan failed is returned. Check what is the possible cause of scan failure that is indicated by each code and how to solve the problem.

Locating the return codes

The error codes for the software scan are returned in the results of the Software Scan Status analysis.

The Software Scan Status describes values for:
  • Status of Catalog-based Scan
  • Status of File System Scan
  • Status of Scan for Software Identification Tag Files
  • Status of Scan for Package Data
  • Status of Resource Utilization Scan
  • Status of Scan for Application Usage Statistics
  • Status of Scan for Application Usage Statistics with Path

The above properties read the code from files created during software scan (Initiate Software Scan and then file being run in the background). For example, for Catalog Scan, the file is named as

Possible Status Messages

Software Scan Status reads the codes
Displayed Status Code in file Meaning
Not supported N/A Given endpoint is not supported
Running 0 Scan in progress or terminated without updating the status
OK 1
Failed (return code: <RC>)

Failed (return code:5)



Scan returned with error. Error as reported by Scanner/CIT. See also, Software scan return codes.
Failed (return code: 255) 2:255 Expected file to execute has been not found. Issue with previous step.
Failed: (return code: 9009) 2:9009 Expected file to copy / move has been not found. Issue with previous step.
Upload Failed N/A Check MaxArchiveSizeExceeded on the endpoint
Invalid archiver 9 There is an issue with 7za.exe/pack.cmd on Windows or bzip2 on other platforms
No information N/A missing .info file for scan
Inspector interrupted N/A BigFix interrupted evaluation of the relevance due to timeout. If problem persist reach support, relevance might need optimization. BigFix does not received the result of given property. Consider using "Force Refresh" on the endpoint to get complete report.
Property not found N/A BigFix does not received the result of given property. Consider using "Force Refresh" on the endpoint to get complete report.
4: <RC> 4: <RC> Indicates issue with use of command move on Windows boxes
  • -1073741571 – file system error
  • -1073741819 – file system error
Failed (return code: 90) N/A Initiate Software Scan action stopped the execution as it detected that software scan process (wscansw) is already running. This can happen if there are more than one Initiate Software Scan action scheduled for the same start time.
Failed (return code: 91) N/A Initiate Software Scan action stopped the execution as it detected that file scan process (wscanfs) is already running. This can happen if there are more than one Initiate Software Scan action scheduled for the same start time.
<error> <error> Issue with Relevance evaluation

Software scan return codes

Return code Possible cause and solutions
0 No errors.
1 Windows Scan data was not gathered. To verify what is the cause of the problem, go to the computer where the problem occurred, open the command prompt and run the following command.
The command should return one of the following errors:
  • 'cscript' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
    The message indicates that the Windows cscript is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. To solve the problem, perform the following steps. The exact steps might differ depending on the version of Windows that you are using.
    1. On the computer where the problem occurred, open the Control Panel, and go to System and Security > System > Advanced system settings.
    2. Click Environment Variables.
    3. In the Path field variable, add ;C:\windows\system32.
    4. Restart BigFix client.
  • CScript Error: Can't find script engine "VBScript" for script ...
    The message indicates that the Windows VBScript.dll script is not registered. To solve the problem, perform the following steps.
    1. On the computer where the problem occurred, click the Start button, and type cmd. In the search results, right-click the Command Prompt, and click Run as administrator.
    2. In the command prompt, type %windir%\system 32, and press Enter.
    3. Type regsvr32 vbscript.dll, and press Enter.
    4. Type regsvr32 jscript.dll, and press Enter.
    If the registration completed successfully, the following message is displayed: DllRegisterServer in vbscript.dll succeeded.
2 The scanner configuration file is corrupted. Reinstall or upgrade the scanner.
3 A signature file could not be parsed. Update the scanner catalog on the endpoints where the problem occurred.
4 Scan output file could not be saved to the output directory. Ensure that the scan output directory is writable. By default, the directory is:
  • UNIX /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT
  • Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BESClient\LMT\CIT
5 For File System Scan:
  • Windows File system scan result is empty.
For Scan for Application Usage Statistics with Path:
  • Scan failed because collected amount of data was too large to process. Disable Collect extended application usage statistics option in the Initiate Software Scan fixlet to prevent the error.
6 Scanner catalog does not exist on the endpoint. Update the scanner catalog on the endpoints where the problem occurred.
8 Scanner internal error occurred. Gather scanner logs and contact BigFix Support. By default, the log files are in the following directory:
  • UNIX /usr/ibm/tivoli/common/CIT/logs or /var/ibm/tivoli/common/CIT/logs
  • IBM i /etc/cit/logs
  • Windows C:\Program Files\ibm\tivoli\common\CIT\logs
9 The scanner timed out. Perform the following tasks:
  • Increase the scan timeout in the Configure Scanner Query Timeout task.
  • Increase the amount of CPU that can be consumed by the scanner by increasing CPU threshold in the Initiate Software Scan task.
  • Exclude directories with backups from software scans. For more information, see: Excluding directories from being scanned.
  • Decrease the scanner trace level in the Edit Scanner Trace Settings task.
If all other options fail, reinstall the scanner.
10 The scanner is being upgraded. Wait until the upgrade finishes.
11 Scan output file or directory is read only. Ensure that the scan output file or directory is writable for the user that is running the BigFix client. By default, the directory is:
  • UNIX /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT
  • Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BESClient\LMT\CIT
12 The cit.ini file was not found. Install the scanner. By default, the cit.ini file is located in the following directory:
  • UNIX /etc/cit
  • Windows C:\Windows\cit
13 The scanner configuration file was not found. Reinstall or update the scanner.
14 The scanner trace file was not found. Reinstall or update the scanner.
15 Failure to read or write CIT configuration files (incorrect values being written, corrupt files or incompatible with the scanner). Reinstall or upgrade the scanner.
18 One of the scanner files could not be open. Ensure that the administrator or root of the computer on which the problem occurred has the read and write permissions to the following files:
  • Scanner configuration file CitHWConfig.xml, scanner properties file, and scanner trace file, which by default are in the following directory:
    • UNIX /opt/tivoli/cit/config/
    • Windows C:\Program Files\tivoli\cit\config
19 One of the scanner files could not be renamed. Ensure that the administrator or root of the computer on which the problem occurred has the read and write permissions to the following files:
  • Scanner configuration file CitHWConfig.xml, scanner properties file, and scanner trace file, which by default are in the following directory:
    • UNIX /opt/tivoli/cit/config/
    • Windows C:\Program Files\tivoli\cit\config
20 One of the scanner files could not be deleted. Ensure that the administrator or root of the computer on which the problem occurred has the read and write permissions to the following files:
  • Scanner configuration file CitHWConfig.xml, scanner properties file, and scanner trace file, which by default are in the following directory:
    • UNIX /opt/tivoli/cit/config/
    • Windows C:\Program Files\tivoli\cit\config
21 The scanner configuration file is corrupted. Reinstall or upgrade the scanner.
22 The scanner trace file is corrupted. Reinstall or upgrade the scanner.
24 Invalid parameter value in SW or FS scanner configuration (SW scanner, FS scanner). Reinstall or upgrade the scanner.
28 A required shared library file is not available. Reinstall or upgrade the scanner.
29 The scanner timed out. Perform the following tasks:
  • Increase the scan timeout in the Configure Scanner Query Timeout task.
  • Increase the amount of CPU that can be consumed by the scanner by increasing CPU threshold in the Initiate Software Scan task.
  • Exclude directories with backups from software scans. For more information, see: Excluding directories from being scanned.
  • Decrease the scanner trace level in the Edit Scanner Trace Settings task.
If all other options fail, reinstall the scanner.
30 The scanner query failed. Gather scanner logs and contact BigFix Support.
31 The scan process was interrupted. Stop the scan action that is running on the endpoints where the problem occurred and start the scans again.
32 There is an issue with accessing the configuration file, or there is not enough free space available on the drive. If there is enough space but the problem persists, contact support.
36 The scanner configuration file is corrupted. Reinstall or upgrade the scanner.
37 Scanner internal error occurred. Gather scanner logs and contact BigFix Support.
40 An error occurred while creating the warning file during the software scan. Ensure that the administrator or root of the computer on which the problem occurred has the read and write permissions to the following directory:
  • UNIX /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT
  • Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BESClient\LMT\CIT
41 Scanner process initialization failed. Gather scanner logs and contact BigFix Support.
42 The signature catalog schema cannot be found. Reinstall or update the scanner. If it does not help, gather scanner logs and contact .
49 The user that runs the scan does not have the read permission to the scanner properties file Ensure that the administrator or root of the computer on which the problem occurred has the read permissions to this file. By default, the file is in the following directory:
  • UNIX /opt/tivoli/cit/config/
  • Windows C:\Program Files\tivoli\cit\config
51 The scanner configuration file was not found. Reinstall or upgrade the scanner.
52 Scanner internal error occurred. Gather scanner logs and contact BigFix Support.
53 The scanner configuration file is invalid. Reinstall or upgrade the scanner.
54 The scan file cannot be compressed. Ensure that the administrator or root of the computer on which the problem occurred has the read and write permissions to the following directory:
  • UNIX /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT
  • Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BESClient\LMT\CIT
56 The scan output signature file cannot be created. Ensure that the administrator or root of the computer on which the problem occurred has the read and write permissions to the following directory:
  • UNIX /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT
  • Windows C:\Program Files(x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BESClient\LMT\CIT
57 Failure to load a scanner plugin. Possibly corrupt installation. Reinstall or upgrade the scanner. If you have fapolicyd (File Access Policy Daemon) installed, then you need to whitelist the software scanner. For more information, refer to Whitelisting scanner.
125 Scanner memory allocation issue. Check if Cache Optimization is enabled and scanner is up-to-date.

Return codes greater than 128

Unix Some return codes are triggered by the problems that are signaled by the operating system. These are the return codes greater than 128. To check what is the system signal, use the following calculation:
return code - 128 = operating system signal

To identify the issue, check the meaning of the signal in the operating system documentation.

The following table presents the list of the most common return codes, their possible cause and solution.
Table 1. Scanner return codes greater than 128
Return code Signal Possible cause and solution
134 6 - SIGABRT There might not be enough memory available for the process to work. Increase the memory limit for this process by changing ulimit for data seg size: ulimit -d. If the problem persists, contact BigFix Support.
138 10 - SIGBUS There is not enough disk space on the computer. Free some disk space. If the problem persists, ensure that you use the latest version of the scanner.
139 11 - SIGSEGV There might not be enough memory available for the process to work. Increase the memory limit for this process by changing ulimit for data seg size: ulimit -d. If the problem persists, contact BigFix Support.
255 Expected file to execute has been not found. Issue with previous step.

Platform specific errors / windows

Below table explains the Windows error return codes:
Return code Possible cause and solution
1260 Windows cannot open this program because it has been prevented by a software restriction policy. It is recommended to update the system with latest patches.