Troubleshooting Oracle data issues

This section provides information troubleshooting different issues faced during collecting Oracle data.

Get Oracle Database Data fixlet fails
If there are issus, the 'Get Oracle Database Auditing Data' fixlet fails and exit codes are displayed. For more information on the exit codes, refer to the table.
Oracle database instance is missing in the package
If the Oracle database instance is missing in the package:
  • make sure that you execute the 'Get Oracle Database Auditing Data' fixlet on all computers where Oracle Databases are installed.
  • verify if the missing databases are running and are available for collecting the inventory data (for example, databases are not in the mounted state, database containers are opened).
  • check if the Oracle database inventory data is collected manually for some databases.
Hardware information for Oracle databases is missing or incorrect
If the hardware information for Oracle databases is missing or incorrect:
  • make sure that the capacity scan and VM Manager scan have been run and the computer status is OK.
  • make sure that the detailed hardware scan and data import have been run.
Preserving datasource ID
Preserve the datasource ID when reinstalling/resetting the BESClient. It is recommended to avoid duplicacy with computers. For more information, refer to Preserving bundling when the BigFix client is reinstalled or reverted from a snapshot.

Oracle software or hardware information is inconsistent or missing in case there are other endpoints with the same hostname

BigFix Inventory takes Oracle software and hardware information from the most recent endpoint (with the latest Last Seen time) with a given hostname. It is necessary to avoid duplication of the data in the Oracle package. In case of duplicated hostnames (for example when datasource computer ID changed due to BigFix client reinstallation) make sure that you run all necessary scans on the new endpoint.

Java installation is missing in the Java report

The Java SDK/JDK/JRE software instance must be listed in 'Software Installations' report in BigFix Inventory, and marked as present and not suppressed, and the publisher name must be Oracle. Custom signatures are not supported. Computers of type 'Container' are not supported. For more information, refer to Troubleshooting software discovery.

Hardware scan is missing for an endpoint

The Oracle hardware scan must be successfully run on the machine and the endpoint must be listed in 'Computers' report.

VMware report file is missing for a vCenter

The connection to the vCenter must be in 'OK' state in 'VM Managers' report in BigFix Inventory. If not, follow the troubleshooting steps from the documentation. If yes, check 'Oracle Auditing Data Collection Settings' analysis results for the related VM Manager Tool. The option must be enabled in the setting.

Collecting the data in VM Manager Tool and uploading it to BigFix may take up to 24 hours. If the VMware report is missing, run 'Force VM Manager Tool Scan Results Upload' fixlet to trigger immediate data upload.

See also, Verifying permissions for VMware communication.

Oracle ZIP package status is partially complete or failed

Check the dedicated logs in 'log' subfolder of the package and tema.log file to get details of the issue. You might need to extend the log level to DEBUG. You might search with the phrase "The Oracle Auditing Package will be in INCOMPLETE state" to find the logs with the reason behind the partially completed package.

Other problem with generating or downloading Oracle ZIP package
The generation or downloading Oracle ZIP package must be triggered by a user with Manage Oracle Auditing Data permission and All computers group access. Check tema.log for details of an error. You might need to extend the log level to DEBUG. Verify that BigFix servers and databases are available (for all non-disconnected data sources defined in BigFix Inventory).
Note: The generation might take time depending on the size of collected data and network connection between BigFix servers and BigFix Inventory.

Exit codes when Get Oracle Database Auditing Data fixlet is run

The below table lists the exit codes and their descriptions:
Exit code Description
0 - Everything went fine Successfully collected the Oracle data.
1 - Generic error This is a generic error, which means there was some issue or problem that caused the program to exit.
2 - Misuse of Shell Built-in command This error is because of incompatibility with older systems. Command options differ between operating systems.

This error is seen especially on older systems attempting to use the command option, which does not exist, but on a newer system.

10 - Database querying problem Oracle Database error codes start with ORA- prefix, this code shows what happened. Refer to the Oracle website to view the list of error codes.

The error could be thrown when the syntax of SQL queries changes, and the query could be incompatible with a newer database engine.

The Oracle Database views also change from release to release.

Oracle databases could be in 4 states: started, mounted, open, and restricted.

Only in an open state, all database views are available to query.

11 - Cannot find output from database listing query This is seen on the windows operating system due to file permissions, fixlet is not able to save output files properly.
20 - SQL Plus failed at connecting to the database There might be a problem with the authorization or a direct problem with sqlplus command execution.

Handling on the usage of sqlplus in this situation fails faster when a problem occurs.

Database admin, for example, can forbid access for the service user which we are trying to use, this will appear as an authorization problem.

30 - Cannot map a user to a system username On UNIX operating systems during the database recognition step, fixlet tries to use the security privileges user which started the database. This user is the service user used to access the Oracle database. For example, when the database process is executed in a container.

On Solaris with Zones probably scan is executed in Global Zone, which will not be able to proceed when Oracle Database will be executed in Local Zones.

BigFix Agent should be installed in the same Zone in which the Oracle Database process is executed.

127 - A command couldn’t be found On some command execution, the operating system checks PATH to find the binary, but it fails.

For example, when a user has changed the PATH environment variable, there is nothing to point to.

40 - Data not collected Data not collected from the database(s). There might be no running instance of Oracle database found.