Output file types

  • HarvestingTool.log - Detailed log information for troubleshooting that is overwritten each time the tool is run​.

  • HarvestedData_<timestamp>.zip - Packed result of harvesting. It includes the following:

    • harvested_data.json - Harvested data in JSON format (each executed scanner is one entry)​.

    • license_and_readme.zip - Zipped license and readme files collected according to the executable scanner rules. It includes the following:​

      • list.txt - A text file with the original paths of the collected license and readme files.

      • 1, 2, 3, - Content of the license and readme files (where line 1 of list.txt is file 1 and so on.)

    • user_names_mapping_<timestamp>.csv - Help file for troubleshooting. It includes mapping of the original usernames to anonymous strings. For example, path "C:\Users\Administrator" may be replaced in all paths with "C:\Users_User_1" text.​ This feature is configurable. The value of variable preserve_user_mapping decides if the user_mapping file is created. The default value is “False”. So the file is not created. Also, if the Harvesting Tool is run with preserve_user_mapping value set to “False”, any user_mapping file from the previous runs of the tool will also be removed from the system.

The license_and_readme folder, harvested_data.json file, and license_and_readme.zip file are in the same folder. These are temporary files from the last execution of the tool which can be used in troubleshooting​.

Note: Files with timestamps are not removed by the VBScript. In a standalone version, the timestamp should be manually removed, if needed.​