Data collected by the Harvester tool

Harvester Tool will collect software data from target computers. The following information is collected.

  1. all information provided in the uninstall registry
  2. all services and the executables they point to
  3. all shortcuts on the desktop of all users and executables they point to
  4. all pinned applications and executables they point to
  5. all running tasks in the Task Manager and executables they point to
  6. all programs listed in the start menu of:
    • Everyone
    • All the individual users
    • (Local and Roaming data)
  7. Information is collected from both 32-bit and 64-bit executables
Following data is collected from the start menu programs, desktop shortcuts, pinned applications, services and task manager:
  • Shortcut file name
  • Path to the shortcut
  • Description
  • Executable name
  • Executable path
Windows service information
  • Service Name
  • Display Name
  • Description
  • Executable name
  • Executable
Path Processes list
  • Executable name
  • Executable path
From UninstallRegistry
  • DisplayName
  • DisplayIcon
  • DisplayVersion
  • InstallDate
  • MSIInstallLocation
  • InstallLocation
  • InstallSource
  • ModifyPath
  • Publisher
  • UninstallString
  • RegistryLocation
Executable files (information about executables should be taken from processes, executables pointed by shortcuts, Uninstall Registry Install Location and Windows services
  • FileName
  • FolderPath
  • Type
  • FileSize
  • DateModified
  • FileVersion
  • ProductVersion
  • FileDescription
  • ProductName
  • CompanyName
  • LegalCopyright
  1. Readme Files (readme.txt/readme.html/readme.htm/readme/info/Info.txt - case insensitive) present in the target path
  2. License Files (license.txt/license.html/License - case insensitive)
  3. If a Readme file or License file is larger than 10kB, the file is truncated and only the first 10kb is used by the harvester tool.
  4. If a target directory includes executables from other application, those executables are also scanned for collecting data.