Patch Domain

Patch report extends the analytics and reporting capabilities of BigFix Compliance from security configuration to security patching. This feature allows you to gain a comprehensive and historical view of patching activities across the entire deployment to assess the overall patching posture. It enables more efficient prioritization of vulnerability remediation by identifying the critical and high severity patches that have to be applied. It also tracks when a new patch is released by the vendors and applies to each endpoint to help you demonstrate compliance with regulations or policies and pass the audits

BigFix Patch domain report is a component of BigFix Compliance Analytics. The patch domain report has a different category of reports like Overview, Patches, Computers, Computer Groups, and Unsupported Computers. The generated reports can be filtered, sorted, grouped, customized, or exported by using various tools.

Prerequisites: You have to enable patch reporting to import the patch data. To enable the patch reports, see Domain Settings.