Phase 2 - Preparing the BigFix Virtual Relay template

After installing Tiny Core Linux on the virtual machine, shut down the virtual machine.

Edit the properties to connect the BESRelay-x.x.x.xx-tcl.i686.iso file:

  1. Browse the path where you downloaded and saved the ISO image.
  2. Select the BESRelay-x.x.x.xx-tcl.i686.iso file.
  3. Click OK.

Start the virtual machine.

After starting the virtual machine, launch the setup to configure the template from the command line:
  1. Mount the BigFix ISO image by running: mount /mnt/sr0/
  2. Untar the tar file provided in the ISO image by running: tar -xvf /mnt/sr0/bessetup.tar
  3. Launch the setup by running the ./setup command.

The Virtual Machine Template Configuration Tool displays.

Specify if you are using the network or a local folder for the complete template setup:

Note: The entire setup is performed either using the network or a local folder. Both are used to customize the virtual relay template.

If you specified "n" (no), see Template setup and customization from a local folder.

If you specified "y" (yes), see Template setup and customization from the network.