Understanding how BigFix works with Click-to-Run

Understanding the integration of BigFix with Click-to-Run involves grasping how BigFix interacts and coordinates with the deployment and management processes of Click-to-Run software installations.

BigFix Patches for Windows uses Fixlets and analyses to do the following set up and maintenance tasks for Office products that use Click-to-Run.
Set up
  • Configure the update source settings
  • Set up the network share folder
  • Configure the Update Path
  • Detect outdated versions
  • Enable automatic updates
  • Disable automatic updates
  • Remove the Update Path
  • Delete network share
  • Trigger updates
  • Check the Office 365 configuration of machines
BigFix users can use the task "Configure the Update Source of Office 365 - Office 2016" to choose the update source of Office Click-to-Run product updates.
  • Through the web [from the Microsoft Content Delivery Network (CDN)]
  • From an on-premises location. This method requires setting up a network share location from which updates can be downloaded. Throughout this document, 'network share' or 'network share location' refers to this method.
  • Through the use of the BigFix architecture, wherein the entire binary is downloaded to the client cache folder.
    Note: Microsoft CDN is the default update source.

Updating from the web

According to Microsoft, Click-to-Run versions of Office products are up to date from the start and automatically updated.

Users who choose to update from the web can use BigFix content to disable the automatic updates from Microsoft. Users can then use a Fixlet to trigger the updates to load and install from the Microsoft CDN.

Updating from a network share location
You can choose for your Office products that use Click-to-Run to receive updates through a network share location, instead of the Microsoft CDN.
Setup up the network share location
You must set up a network share location that will receive the updates. BigFix provides content to set up network share but it is not a requirement. You can choose to use your own network share location.
Configure the client
Once you have set up the network share, you need to configure the update path so it will point to the network share location. BigFix Patch uses an analysis to identify the update path and the data location.
Trigger the client update

You might want to disable the automatic updates from Office so that you have more control of when to update and which version you want to upgrade to.

When the automatic updates are disabled, you can apply the BigFix content to maintain and trigger the updates. An example of this BigFix content is Fixlet 365007: Office 365 Version 15.0.4805.1003 Available - Office 2013. Instead of directly downloading from the Microsoft CDN, the updates are downloaded from the pre-configured network share location.

Maintain network share

As Microsoft releases updates, BigFix provides content so that the network share always has the latest versions. For example, Fixlet 365021: Office 365 Version 15.0.4805.1003 Available for Network Share for Office 365 - Office 2013.

The network share location uses the following ports for TCP and UDP connections.
  • TCP: 139, 445
  • UDP: 137, 138

For more information about network share and the ports used, see https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc731402.aspx.

Updating from a client cache folder through the BigFix architecture

You can also choose for your Office products that use Click-to-Run to receive updates through the BigFix architecture, wherein the entire binary is downloaded to the client cache folder. BigFix handles the update download and the Office 365 Client installs the update from the local machine.

If you use this update source, you must consider the download and relay cache sizes.
  • Server: 4GB or more
  • Client: 4GB or more

Office 365 Channel Change through GPO/ODT

BigFix does not support channel changes, as they can lead to discrepancies between CDNBaseUrl and UpdateChannel (via GPO).

During the period until a Channel Change is successfully completed, there may be false positive evaluation results for Office 365 patching fixlets.

As a result, we do not recommend implementing Channel Change, and we do not provide support if Office 365 Fixlets are not applicable for machines on which Channel Change has been performed.