Limiting the size of Security reports

Tips for reducing a large Security Report to a more manageable size.

About this task

Security reports can be very large. If, when you attempt to generate a Security Report, you receive a warning message that the file will be hundreds of pages long, or if the report creation process times out, you can try the following tips to reduce report size while including the information that is important to you.


  1. One way of reducing report size is to limit the report to a part of the application. You can do this by selecting the relevant node in the application tree, right-clicking it, and selecting Report for this node > Security. This will create a report for all parts of the application under the selected node.
  2. If you see that your scan results contain thousands of issues, consider generating a Summary only, or the Default Report with the Additional Issue Information check box cleared.
  3. By default all Test Types are included in reports (Min. Severity = Informational). Try increasing the Min. Severity setting so that only High, or High and Medium, severity issues are included.
  4. Verify that the Max. Variants setting is 1, so that no more than a single variant is included for each issue.
  5. Be aware that including Variants > Request/Response, and Advisories and Fix Recommendations can add a lot of volume to reports. Select these options only if needed.