Report false positive test results

You can email test information to AppScan® Support in order to:

  • Report a result that AppScan classified as positive (indicating a vulnerability), but which you believe is negative (indicating no vulnerability).
  • Ask AppScan® Support why a result was classified as positive.

You can also use the feature to conveniently zip and email the result to the developers and auditors in your own organization.

To save the data in an encrypted format, accessible only to Support personnel:

  1. Right-click the issue, select 'Report False positive.
  2. In the Report False Positive dialog box, click Save File.
  3. When saving the file, choose Appscan encrypted files (. Encrypted) under the Save as type option, ensuring it's an encrypted format. Alternatively, change the .zip in the filename to .encrypted.

To save the data in a decrypted format, to share within your own organization:

  1. Right-click the issue, select 'Report False positive.
  2. In the Report False Positive dialog box, click Save File.
  3. When saving the file, choose Zip Files (.zip) under the Save as type option, ensuring it's a decrypted format.