Filtering Security Issues in Result List

You can filter the Result List for types of issues, or you can search for a specific issue.


  1. On the Edit menu, click Find (or press Ctrl + F).

    The Find bar appears in the main window, below the Result List.

  2. On the Application Tree, select a node.
    • If you select the My Application node, Find searches through all the results.
    • If you select a node within the tree, Find searches through the selected node and its sub-nodes.
  3. In the Look for text box of the Find bar, type a string or partial string.
  4. In the Search in combo box, select where in the results to search for the string. Options are: ID number of test, Security Issue, URL, CVE ID, CWE ID, XFID (X-Force ID), Request/Response data, Variant description, Parameter/Cookie Name, or All of these.
  5. Click Find Now or press Enter.

    Results appear in the Result List, overwriting the list that was previously displayed.

    If you enter another Find string and click Find Now again, the new search is done on the selected node in the Application Tree, not on the displayed results of the previous search.

    To find:

    Look for:

    Search in:

    The variant with ID: "5016" (see Properties sub-tab of Detail Pane)



    Coss-Site Scripting issues


    Test Name

    Login pages with issues


    Test URL

    Issues relevant to password manipulation

