Login Management view

Show AppScan® how to log in to your application.

Login Management view of the Scan Configuration dialog box is used for configuring how AppScan® logs in to your application, and how it recognizes when it has been logged out. You can log in with the built-in AppScan Chromium browser s

AppScan can automatically detect login requests and fills in the username and password parameters. If your application has a non-standard login sequence of actions, you can record these actions for AppScan to use.

Login Management view has these tabs:
Tab Description

Login tab

The Login Management view of the Scan Configuration dialog box is used to define how AppScan® logs in to your application, and how it can recognize when it gets logged out.

Review & Validate tab

When you record a login sequence, AppScan records both the actions and the requests. These are shown on the two sub tabs: Actions and Requests. When replaying the login AppScan attempts (by default) to reproduce the action-based login; if this is unsuccessful it uses the request-based login.

Session IDs tab

The Session IDs tab of Login Management view is used to review and manage the tracking of variables (session IDs) received during the recorded login.


The Session IDs tab of Login Management view is used to review and manage the tracking of variables (session IDs) received during the recorded login.