Report a false positive variant set

About this task

You can report all the variant information of any Issue, URL, or child item in one attachment, using the right-click menu in the Result List.

Showing the relative positions of Issues, URLs and Parameters in the Result List


  1. In the Result List, right-click on an issue, URL or parameter, and select Report False Positive.

    The Report False Positive dialog box opens.

  2. Click Save File and save the file to disk.
    Depending on your Encryption Setting (see below), the file is saved in encrypted or .zip format.
    Note: By default the file is encrypted. To change this setting go to Tools > Options > General > Report False Positive, and deselect the Encrypt attachments check box.
  3. To send the file to AppScan® Support, click the Browse to your support provider link, log in and upload the file.