Adding a new Android Java project

The New Project Wizard helps you manually create an Android Java project and add it to an application.


  1. In the Explorer view, select the application that you want to add the project to (if you have not already added an application, see Configuring applications).
  2. Complete one of these actions to open the New Project Wizard:
    1. Select File > Add Project > New Project from the main workbench menu.
    2. Right-click the selected application and choose Add Project > New Project from the context menu.
  3. In the Select Project Type page of the wizard, select Android Java as the project type and then click Next to advance to the next wizard page.
  4. In the Project Sources wizard page:
    1. Identify the project sources. Project sources consist of the directories in which you find project files, and any additional individual files to include in the project.

      Name the project and specify the working directory. The Working Directory is the location in which the AppScan® Source project file (.ppf) will reside. It is also the base for all relative paths.

    2. Select Enable secrets for scanner to invoke scanning for secrets along with other relevant scanners.
      When invoked, the engine checks for hardcoded passwords, credit card numbers, and Social Security numbers (SSN) when those secrets are detected in the code being scanned.
    3. Click Add Source Root to specify a source code root and the directories or files to include or exclude from the scan.
      After adding the source root, you can exclude certain directories or files from it. To do this, select the directory or file (or multiselect these items) in the source root, right-click the selection, and then choose Exclude from the menu. If you include or exclude files, the icon to the left of the file name changes.
  5. Click Finish.