Creating a JAR for your handler


  1. Right click your project in the Eclipse Project Explorer view and select Export.
    Export selected in the menu after right clicking the project in the Project Explorer view
  2. In the Export wizard, select JAR file and then click Next.
    JAR file selected in the Export wizard Select page
  3. In the JAR Export Select the export destination section, select a suitable location for your JAR file and provide a name. Click Next.
    JAR Export wizard JAR File Specification page with an export destination selected using the JAR file field
  4. Click Next again. Optionally, you can also set a location and name for a description file. This will save a .jardesc file into your project that will contain all JAR export settings from this export. With this, you can repeat the export without specifying the settings again.
    JAR Packaging Options page with a description file specified using the Description file field
  5. Select the Use existing manifest from workspace radio button click Browse. Select the Manifest.txt file you created earlier.
    JAR Export wizard JAR Manifest Specification page with the Use existing manifest from workspace radio button selected and the Manifest file field completed
  6. Click Finish