Fix pack installation

AppScan® Source fix packs are delivered by delta installer. To apply an AppScan Source fix pack, follow the instructions in this help topic.

About this task

Important: You cannot create a custom installation with the fix pack installer.


  1. Download and launch the fix pack installation executable file:
    • Microsoft™ Windows™:
      • Run AppScanSrc_Installer.exe to launch the installation wizard.
      • To run the installation silently, issue AppScanSrc_Installer.exe -i silent -D$LICENSE_ACCEPTED$="true" at a command prompt, where:
        • The -i silent parameter is used to indicate that the installation will run silently.
        • The -D$LICENSE_ACCEPTED$="true" parameter indicates that you accept the product license.
    • Linux™: From a command prompt,
      • Issue the setup.bin command to launch the installation wizard.
      • To run the installation silently, issue setup.bin -i silent -D$LICENSE_ACCEPTED$="true", where:
        • The -i silent parameter is used to indicate that the installation will run silently.
        • The -D$LICENSE_ACCEPTED$="true" parameter indicates that you accept the product license. Note that, depending on the shell being used to run the installation, this parameter may need to be escaped by issuing -D\$LICENSE_ACCEPTED\$="true".

    If you are installing with the installation wizard, complete the remaining steps.

  2. When you first launch the installation wizard, you are presented with a screen that allows you to select the national language that will be displayed in the installation panels. Select the language and click OK to proceed.
  3. Read the Welcome - Installation Upgrade Wizard panel, heeding any recommendations that it contains. Click Next to proceed.
  4. In the Setup Confirmation panel, review the installation information summary before proceeding, and then click Install to apply the fix pack.
  5. If you are upgrading an installation that included the AppScan Source Database, a database update installation panel will display (if the fix pack includes a database upgrade). In this panel, enter the credentials for the database user account and then click Start. When the database upgrade is complete, click Next.
    • Upgrading Oracle: If the database upgrade fails, the installer will allow you to start the database upgrade again (if there are problems with the existing database that prevent the upgrade, you can restart the database upgrade after resolving the problems).
  6. Review any messages in the Installation Complete panel and then click Done. It is recommended that you restart your system after the installation is complete.

What to do next

On Windows or Linux, if your development environment includes the AppScan Source for Development Eclipse plug-ins, you will need to apply the plug-ins to your workbench after installing the fix pack. Instructions for doing this can be found in this topic: