Fix pack installation

Fix packs are available for download from Fix Central.

Before you begin

You will need to know your Passport Advantage login credentials for this task.


To download the fix pack:
  1. Go to and sign in using your HCL ID and password.
  2. Select Security Systems in the Product Group list and click Continue.
  3. Select HCL AppScan Enterprise in the Product list.
  4. Select the latest version number in the Installed Version list.
  5. Select Windows or Linux in the Platform list, and click Continue.
  6. In the Identify fixes page, select Browse for fixes (or choose another search method), and click Continue.
  7. In the Select fixes page, select the Interim fix check box, and click Continue.
  8. Enter in your Passport Advantage credentials into the Sign in page and click Continue.
  9. In the Download options page, choose your download method (Download Director or your browser), and click Continue.
To install the fix pack:
  1. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the executable and double-click the files you downloaded..
  2. In the Setup Wizard, click Next.
  3. In the License Agreement dialog box, choose the "I accept the terms in the license agreement" option, and click Next.
  4. The Fix pack is installed. When the installation is finished, it will launch the Configuration Wizard (If Config Instances is selected); click Next.
  5. Exit the installation.