Best practices for hybrid analysis

Because the testing approaches are so different, however, the correlation percentage can be relatively low. The challenges and strengths for each type of analysis differ, as depicted in this table.

Bold text indicates strengths.

Dynamic analysisStatic analysis
Awareness Over approximation
Code coverageCode/path coverage
Source-free Limited to given code
HTTP awareness onlyMore than HTTP validations
Multi-component supportSupport per language/framework
Requires deployed application No need to deploy application
Few prerequisitesSupport partial applications
Works as a remote attackerIntegration/deployment issues
For best correlation results:
  1. Pre-filter the SAST issues to the highest severity setting on the Definitive, Suspect issues.
  2. Save a partial assessment or configure the filter to be applied automatically before you publish to AppScan® Enterprise.
  3. With DAST, make sure you explore as much of the application as possible, and use the most comprehensive security test policy that makes sense for the application.
  4. Make sure you analyze the same version of the web application with both approaches.