Communication and Proxy

Communication and Proxy view of AppScan® Dynamic Analysis Client (ADAC).

Adjust communication settings, and configure proxy settings for ADAC and the AppScan® Enterprise (ASE) agent, if they use proxy servers. If you do not configure proxy settings, ADAC will attempt to connect using the Internet Explorer proxy settings, or without a proxy. The two proxy options are:
If the local machine needs a proxy server to connect to the tested site, configure it here. This will be used when recording or playing Login, Manual Explore and Multi-Step Operation requests.
ASE Agent
If the AppScan Enterprise agent needs a proxy server to connect to the tested site, configure it here. This will be used when sending requests during the scan.

Figure 1. The two proxies that can be configured in this dialog.
Shows the local proxy, connecting ADAC with the site for Manual Explore, Multi-Step and Login configuration, and the ASE Agent proxy, connecting the ASE agent with the site when running the job




Number of Threads

Set the maximum number of requests that will be sent simultaneously.

By default this is set to its maximum possible value of 10. If your site does not allow simultaneous threads reduce this number to 1.

Adjust timeout automatically

In some case you may be able to reduce the duration of the scan by selecting Adjust timeout automatically during the scan. When selected ADAC reviews and adjusts the timeout automatically throughout the scan, which may significantly reduce scan length.


If the above check box is cleared, you can set the time limit (in seconds) for ADAC to wait for a response from the web server. By default, a timeout of 10 seconds is used.

Request rate limit

By default, ADAC sends its requests to the site as fast as possible. If this overloads your network or server, or if your site limits users to a maximum request rate, select this check box and reduce the limit.


Local / ASE Agent tabs

If ADAC or the ASE agent use a proxy to access your application, configure them here. By default the Internet Explorer proxy settings are used. The first Proxy tab (Local) is for the ADAC proxy settings, the second (ASE Agent) is for ASE Agent proxy settings (see figure shown above).

Local tab
If the local machine needs a proxy server to connect to the tested site, you can configure it here. This will be used when sending Login, Manual Explore and Multi-Step Operation requests.
ASE Agent tab
If the AppScan Enterprise agent needs a proxy server to connect to the tested site, you can configure it here. This will be used when sending requests during the scan.
For each proxy you can set the following:
Use ASE Agent proxy settings
(Local only) Select this to configure the local proxy with the same settings as the ASE Agent.
Use Internet Explorer proxy settings
(Default) Select this to use the Address and Port of the Internet Explorer connection. If authentication is required, add username, password and domain below.
Don't use Proxy
Select if you do not want to allow ADAC or AppScan® Enterprise to use a proxy.
Use custom proxy settings
Select to define your own proxy settings. Type in the address and port for the proxy. If authentication is required by the proxy, add username, password and domain.