Security scan fails with Application with id x does not exist error


Running a scan that uses the Jenkins or IDE plugin or command line interface (CLI) fails with this error:

Application with id x does not exist
Failed to run the security scan: Problems occurred submitting the IRX file to the
analysis service.


Previously, AppScan 360° associated applications based on the app_id. A recent update changed this association from app_id to guid. For the most part, the AppScan 360° service will prompt you to reassociate applications based on this update. For the Jenkins and IDE plugins and CLI, you must take additional steps.


For the Jenkins plugin, re-save your Jenkins plugin configuration according to the instructions at Adding security analysis to your Jenkins automation server and try the scan again.

For the IDE plugin, when prompted, re-select the same application to scan and click OK.

For CLI, the new guid replaces app_id. The guid is a unique 32-character identifier. For example, 33c3281a-6d7c-e711-b334-002590731623. Using the appscan list_apps command, determine the guid for each app and replace the app_id with it in the queue_analysis command in scripts or on the command line.