Troubleshooting AppScan 360° Static Analysis deployment

If you encounter issues while installing or using AppScan 360° Static Analysis, try troubleshooting with the following information:

Error return from running the deployment script

Missing Cert Manager dependency

  • Error:
    Error: unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: [resource mapping not found for name:
    "analyzer-cert" namespace: "" from "": no matches for kind "Certificate" in version ""
    ensure CRDs are installed first, resource mapping not found for name: "ascp-adapter-cert" namespace: "" 
    from "": no matches for kind "Certificate" in version ""
  • Root cause:

    This error is encountered when the cert-manager add-on dependency is not deployed on the cluster. AppScan 360° SAST depend son the cert-manager add-on for deployment.

  • Solution:

    Verify cert-manager is deployed and running on your Kubernetes cluster. Review system requirements and environment setup instructions.

Missing Keda dependency

  • Error:
    Error: unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: [resource mapping not found for name:
    "analyzer-hpa" namespace: "" from "": no matches for kind "ScaledObject" in version ""
    ensure CRDs are installed first, resource mapping not found for name: "ascp-adapter-hpa" namespace: "" 
    from "": no matches for kind "ScaledObject" in version ""
  • Root cause:

    This error is encountered when the Keda add-on dependency is not deployed on the cluster. AppScan 360° SAST depends on the Keda add-on for deployment.

  • Solution:

    Verify Keda is deployed and running on your Kubernetes cluster. Review system requirements and environment setup instructions.

Resource already in use or cannot be recreated

  • Error:
    • Previous PVC storage not completely cleaned up.
    • Incomplete finalizers on pods.
    • Namespace stuck in termination state.
  • Root cause:

    Resources from a previous deployment are not completely cleaned up during the removal process. This can also occur when the namespace is forcefully deleted, leaving resources untracked on the cluster.

  • Solution:
    The solution varies on the type of resource issue involved:
    • To clean up a namespace stuck in terminating state
      kubectl get namespace "hcl-appscan-sast" -o json | tr -d "\n" | sed "s/\"finalizers\": \[[^]]\+\]/\"finalizers\": []/" | kubectl replace --raw /api/v1/namespaces/hcl-appscan-sast/finalize -f-
    • To clean up a pod stuck in terminating state

      kubectl delete pod <pod-name> --grace-period=0 --force --namespace <namespace>
    • To delete orphaned PVs and PVCs

      kubectl patch pv <pv-name> -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}'
      kubectl delete pv --grace-period=0 --force --namespace <namespace> <pv-name>
      kubectl patch pvc <pvc-name> -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}
      kubectl delete pvc --grace-period=0 --force --namespace <namespace> <pvc-name>

Required parameters not provided

  • Errors:
    • ERROR: Authorization token is required for the deployment. Use the option '--auth-token' to specify the file path which contains the token.
    • ERROR: Authorization token file path specified for the option '--auth-token' does not exist. o ERROR: Rabbitmq password is required for the deployment. Use the option '--rabbitmq-pwd' to specify the file path which contains the password.
    • ERROR: Rabbitmq password file path specified for the option '--rabbitmq-pwd' does not exist.
    • ERROR: CA certificate & key are required for the deployment. Use the options '--cert, --cert-key' to specify the ca certificate and the private-key file paths.
    • ERROR: Certificate file path specified for the option '--cert' does not exist. 
    • ERROR: Certificate private key file path specified for the option '--cert-key' does not exist. 
    • ERROR: Configuration file path specified for the option '--config-file' does not exist.
  • Root cause:

    Required parameters to deployment script are not provided or invalid values are provided to the options.

  • Solution:

    Please review all required options to the deployment script and make sure valid values are specified to the options.

Pods not able to start after deployment script

As a post deployment process, you should login into the cluster to verify all AppScan 360° SAST pods are up and running. Some examples of pod-related deployment issues follow.

Persistent Volume (PV) & Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) related errors

PVC creation requires the requested storage size availability on disk. Verify that the disk space housing data storage has enough space to accommodate the requested capacity. Unprovisioned PVC will cause pod creation to fail.

Note: Using cloud storage solutions like azurefile allows for large storage capacity for fees.

If any existing AppScan 360° SAST related PV & PVCs are not completely removed, then any new deployment will fail to create PV & PVCs due to the name collision, which then causes the pod creation to fail..

  • Solution:

    Wait for few seconds after removal to ensure all PV & PVC resources are released efficiently before trying a new deployment.

Insufficient CPU / Memory for pod creation

Each of the AppScan 360° SAST components have a defined set of resource requirements for the respective pods. Refer to the resource requirements section for more details.

Pod creation will fail when the required minimum resource limit set for each pod is not available on the node-pool(s).

  • Solution:

    Ensure node-pool resource size meets the resource requirements defined by AppScan 360° SAST.

RabbitMQ not up

RabbitMQ service must be up and running for AppScan 360° SAST components to function as expected. RabbitMQ service takes a few minutes to get started and it is not unusual to have a few failed attempts getting started by the AppScan 360° SAST pods while RabbitMQ is being deployed. If RabbitMQ service is unsuccessful in getting started, AppScan 360° SAST pods fail in turn.

Pods are not moved to 'Ready' state
  • Error:
    • Startup probe failed: …
    • Readiness probe failed: …
  • Root cause:

    One or more health checks have failed for the pod.

  • Solution:
    • Verify the dependent components are running and configured correctly.
    • Run the command kubectl describe pod <pod-name> -n <namespace> to check for more details.
    • Check pod logs for more details. See Troubleshooting containerized scans.

Image pull failure


failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status: 401 Unauthorized

Root cause:

This is caused by either the AppScan 360° SAST registry secret not being created or the current registry secret containing outdated credentials.


Certificate expired

To update certificates that have expired:
  1. Rerun the deployment command, providing the new certificate and the respective private key.
  2. Delete the following secrets from the namespace that holds the certificates for the internal components. The secrets will be automatically regenerated.
    kubectl delete secret sast-service-tls gateway-tls workflow-manager-tls scan-manager-tls preparer-tls analyzer-tls ascp-adapter-tls sast-service-rabbitmq-tls --namespace hcl-appscan-sast 
  3. Delete all the pods in the namespace. New pods using the newly generated TLS secrets will be created automatically.
    kubectl delete --all pods --namespace=hcl-appscan-sast

Deployment fails on fresh install

In certain situations, deploying AppScan 360° SAST to a cluster with no current SAST deployment might fail due to previous rolled back operations on the cluster. An example of operations that can leave the cluster in this state is a previous upgrade or reconfigure of AppScan 360° SAST.
Note: The deployment process automatically handles failed upgrades and will automatically restore the cluster to its previous stable version. These troubleshooting guidelines apply to fresh install on the cluster only.


The Helm deployment operation fails with the generic error - ERROR: Deploy SAST services - failed. Installation aborted!

Root cause:

A previous attempt to upgrade on this cluster failed, leaving old secret files on the cluster. These files prevent the new deployment from creating similar files needed by the new deployment.


Run the undeploy command before attempting a fresh install. See Removing AppScan 360° Static Analysis

Service not accessible

AppScan 360° SAST should be accessible through the FQDN (https://<sast-ingress-fqdn>) provided as a parameter to the deployment script. Examples of errors that can make the service inaccessible through the FQDN include:

Missing ingress controller dependency
  • Error:
    • This site can’t be reached.
  • Root Cause:

    This error can be seen when trying to access AppScan 360° SAST from the specified FQDN on a browser, when the ingress controller is not installed or configured properly.

  • Solution:
    • Verify ingress controller is deployed and running on your Kubernetes cluster. Please review the prerequisites section for all required dependencies.
    • Ensure the static IP used in configuring the ingress controller resolves to the FQDN used for deployment.

      This can be done by creating a record set on your cloud DNS management tool or update local machine's /etc/hosts file.

Wrong FQDN
  • Error:
    • This site can’t be reached.
  • Root Cause:

    The FQDN used in configuring the ingress is different from the one used in accessing the service. Another issue here can be wrong IP/DNS mapping. If the FQDN used is different from the value mapped to the ingress IP, then service will be unreachable.

  • Solution:
    • Verify the FQDN used is accessing the service matches the value passed to the deployment script.
    • Verify the FQDN value is mapped to the ingress IP either on your local machine's /etc/hosts file or your cloud DNS host zone.
Cluster connection refused
  • Error:
    Kubernetes cluster unreachable: Get "http://localhost:8080/version": dial tcp [::1]:8080: connect: connection refused
  • Root cause:

    The config file is either missing or not configured correctly to grant kubectl access to the cluster.

  • Possible solution:
    • Ensure the config file exists in .kube/config.

    • Ensure .kube/config is owned by current user.

    • Ensure .kube/config has the correct permissions.

    • Export KUBECONFIG.

Gateway service not running

Deployment successful but pods failing to start
  • Error:
    • The error message here will depend on the root cause
  • Root Cause:
    • Imagepullbackoff: This is the most common reason for pod failures. Error occurs when image can not be pulled from the repository/repository path provided.
    • Insufficient cpu, Insufficient memory: This error occurs when the minimum cpu and memory set for AppScan 360° SAST are not met by any node on the cluster nodepool.
  • Solution:
    • Verify the repository provided at deployment contains the images being deployed.
    • Verify the repository authentication provided is correct. AppScan 360° SAST deployment will require an accurate authentication to pull images from the repo.
    • Verify nodepool has sufficient memory and cpu resources to meet the minimum requirements set during deployment.
    • Check pod error logs for more details.
Deployment successful but Workflow Manager failing to start
  • Error:
    Failed to inject service URL to SAClientUtil ...
  • Root cause:

    Possible connectivity issue with the ASCP server and subsequent failure to retrieve the public key.

  • Solution:
    • Verify the ASCP server is up and running.

    • Verify the server information, authentication token, and certificate and key are all correct.

    • Check pod error logs for more details.

Scans are in 'Initializing' state in ASCP, but never proceed further
  • Error:

    Scan status shows 'Initializing' and does not proceed further.

  • Root cause:

    Possible connectivity issue between ASCP and AppScan 360° SAST.

  • Solution:
    • Verify the ASCP server is configured with the correct AppScan 360° SAST URL.
    • Verify the ASCP server machine resolves the AppScan 360° SAST ingress FQDN correctly.
    • Check ASCP logs for more details.