Calculation time

To estimate the time that is required to complete the calculation for the above data set of 500,000 calculations:

  • By default, the number of threads that are used to complete the calculation is 4.
    • With 4 threads in use, the time that is required for each calculation is approximately 1 millisecond.
    • With 1 thread in use, the time that is required for each calculation is approximately 4 milliseconds.
    • For more information about configuring the number of threads, see Performance.
  • So, calculation for the Anomaly Detections in this environment requires approximately 500 seconds, which is 8 minutes 20 seconds.

Resource utilization goals

Note: If you auto-create hourly Anomaly Detections for 1000 events and 500 whitelisted values, the estimated calculation time using 4 calculation threads is 8 minutes 20 seconds. These calculations are performed each hour, which means that 1/6 of the Data Collector's time is spent computing hourly Anomaly Detections. This impact may become an issue for Data Collector to complete its other tasks.

For hourly Anomaly Detections, the goal is to reduce calculation time to less than 5 minutes. You must balance the number of events x the number of whitelisted dimensions against the number of threads that are used during calculation and the general CPU load at the time of calculation.

  • By default, daily Anomaly Detections are scheduled to be recalculated at 4:30 in the morning. You can schedule them to occur at any time. See Scheduling.